Frequency and weight of complications of pregnancy and childbirth at women with tuberculosis of various localization in Krasnoyarskiy kraY

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The purpose of researches - to reveal clinical manifestations of obstetric complications at pregnant women with tuberculosis of various localization on the basis of results of medical monitoring, and also to establish the complications of fetoplatsentarny insufficiency taking place in the studied period, at pregnant women with tuberculosis according to localizations of tubercular process. During medical monitoring stories of families of 210 women with tuberculosis of various localization and a condition of their newborns during 2006-2013 on the basis of interdistrict maternity hospital N 4 of Krasnoyarsk, profiled on this pathology are analysed. As a result of the analysis of structure of obstetric complications at women with tuberculosis in the territory of Krasnoyarsk Kray it is established: from 210 pregnant women at 76 there were no complications; at 133 pregnant women with FPN clinical manifestations are noted it are 43 cases of a hypoxia of a fruit, 31 cases of SZRP, 14 cases of SZRP with a hypoxia, thus clinical manifestations were accompanied by lack of water and abundance of water at the level of 22 and 4 cases respectively; in the same group the increase in number of complications of pregnancy by a preeklampsiya, anomalies of patrimonial activity, premature birth at the level of 51, 16 and 28 cases respectively is looked through. From only 133 pregnant women with placentary insufficiency 11 cases of childbirth without clinical manifestations of FPN are noted. The revealed number of clinical manifestations of placentary insufficiency and other complications of pregnancy says that at pregnant women with a disease of tuberculosis these indicators many times is more, than at pregnant women without disease of tuberculosis. The established structure of obstetric complications at pregnant women with tuberculosis of various localization highlighted prevalence of FPN proceeding with heavy clinical manifestations, such as SZRP, the fruit hypoxia, and also revealed most often meeting complications of pregnancy, such as a preeklampsiya, abnormal patrimonial activity, premature birth. It is the indication for development of effective measures of prevention and treatment of these complications, their forecasting from early terms of pregnancy for improvement of perinatal outcomes.

About the authors

Svetlana Anatolyevna Vetushenko

Regional state budgetary institution of health care “Krasnoyarsk interdistrict maternity hospital N 4”

managing obstetric office of pathology of pregnancy, the doctor the obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest qualification category

Tatyana Grigoryevna Zakharova

Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky

Doctor of Medical Science, professor of the chair of polyclinic therapy, family medicine and healthy life way of living


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