Features of pregnancy and delivery in minors female in a metropolis (by the example of St. Petersburg)

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The article presents a retrospective analysis of peculiarities of pregnancy and childbirth in 483 pregnant women minors, representing 15 % of all juveniles who have given birth in St. Petersburg from 2004 to 2013. Among somatic diseases prevailed kidney disease exacerbation during pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes and skin. Among the complications of pregnancy among minors prevailed preeclampsia, threating of premature labor, anemia and chronic placental insufficiency. Among the complications of childbirth - preterm rupture of membranes, weakness of uterine activity and fetal hypoxia. Cesarean section was mainly carried out by emergency indications during childbirth. The above analysis basically confirms the literature data about the poor physical health and a lot of complications in pregnancy and childbirth in minors in metropolis because pregnancy is not a normal physiological phenomenon for minors.

About the authors

Yevgeniy Sergeyevich Mikhaylin

Maternity hospital N 10

Email: mihailin@mail.ru
PhD, head of the polyclinic department, head of the Program of pregnancy and childbirth in adolescents “Young mother”

Lada Anatolyevna Ivanova

Maternity hospital N 10

Email: roddom10@zdrav.spb.ru
PhD, Chief physician

Aleksey Gennadyevich Savitskiy

Maternity hospital N 10

Email: roddom10@zdrav.spb.ru
Head of department “Family delivery”

Larisa Pavlovna Zhibura

Nord-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnicov

Email: rectorat@szgmu.ru
PhD, associate professor of the department of obstetrics and gynecology

Anna Gennadyevna Minina

Maternity hospital N 10

Email: roddom10@zdrav.spb.ru
doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics


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Copyright (c) 2014 Mikhaylin Y.S., Ivanova L.A., Savitskiy A.G., Zhibura L.P., Minina A.G.

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