Medico-psychological monitoring of the family in the period of expectation of the child

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The author, using interdisciplinary approaches, explores the peculiarities of interaction in families, waiting for the child. The changes affect all members of the family, and they are associated with changes in the physiological, psychological and socio-cultural status. They occur on the background of the biological and neuroendocrine restructuring of the woman's body that is associated with the expectation of the child.

About the authors

Yelena Pavlovna Shikhova

Ural scientific research institute of protection of motherhood and infanc

PhD, Perinatal psychologist, assistant of department of psychology and pedagogy

Galina Borisovna Malgina

Ural scientific research institute of protection of motherhood and infancy

MD, acting research vice-director, head of antenatal fetal health department


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Copyright (c) 2013 Shikhova Y.P., Malgina G.B.

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