Influenza A virus reproduction in humanendometrial cells

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Study of replication of influenza A viruses (IAV) of A(H3N2) and A(H1N1)pdm subtypes in human endometrial cells was performed. It was shown that endometrial infection with IAV strongly depends on the multiplicity of infection and causes substantial changes in functional activities of these cells. Moreover endometrial cells of proliferative phase (day 8) were more sensitive to IAV infection than cells from secretory phase of menstrual cycle on day 19th.

About the authors

Anna Olegovna Durnova

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

PhD, senior researcher of the Laboratory of Cell Biology, the Department of Pathomorphology

Renata Anvarovna Kadyrova

Research Institute of Influenza

junior researcher of the Laboratory of Cell Cultures

Darya Mikhaylovna Danilenko

Research Institute of Influenza

researcher of the Laboratory of Evolutionary Changeability of Influenza Viruses

Maksim Igorevich Dyukov

Research Institute of Influenza

researcher of the Laboratory of Molecular Virology and Genetic Engineering

Vera Aleksandrovna Martyntseva

Research Institute of Influenza

junior researcher of the Laboratory of Cell Cultures

Tatyana Dmitriyevna Smirnova

Research Institute of Influenza

PhD, leading researcher of the Laboratory of Cell Cultures

Mikhail Yuryevich Yeropkin

Research Institute of Influenza

Doctor of Science, head of the Laboratoty of Evolutionary Changeability of Influenza Viruses

Oleg Ivanovich Kiselev

Research Institute of Influenza

academician, professor, director of the Research Institute of Influenza


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Copyright (c) 2013 Durnova A.O., Kadyrova R.A., Danilenko D.M., Dyukov M.I., Martyntseva V.A., Smirnova T.D., Yeropkin M.Y., Kiselev O.I.

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