Cytokines and growth factors as markers of endometrium implantation capacity in IVF

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The implantation is the foundation is basic event of the successful pregnancy, which requires the participation of various endocrine, paracrine and autocrine mechanisms on the hormonal, cellular and molecular levels. The result is an adequate growth and differentiation of endometrium, adhesion and invasion of the blastocyst and formation of a normal placenta. The success of implantation depends on embryo quality, presence of receptive endometrium and normally functioning immune system to provide an active dialogue between the blastocyst and endometrium. The cytokines and growth factors play an important role in the process of implantation. Imbalance synthesis of these molecules leads to partial or complete failure of the implantation process. LIF cytokine and GM-CSF, TGF -b, VEGF growth factors are the most important factors involved in the process of implantation . This review reflects the role of these molecules in the process of implantation and modern methods of their determination to predict pregnancy rate in IVF.

About the authors

Yulia Najibovna Sharfi

St. Petersburg State University

PhD student of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction, Medical Faculty


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