Comparative analysis of viral load in blood, vaginal and cervical specimens among HIV women using family planning methods

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Study devoted to HIV viral load assessment (blood versus cervical and vaginal specimen) among HIV infected women using effective hormonal, intrauterine and barrier contraceptive methods in short-term prospective. Based on lab data and contraceptive methods authors formulate assumptions of HIV sexual transmission.

About the authors

Anna Valentinovna Samarina

St.-Petersburg AIDS Center

MD, PhD, Head of Department women and children health

Zoya Nikolayevna Lisitsina

St.-Petersburg AIDS Center

MD, PhD, Head of clinical laboratory

Margarita Mekhakovna Martirosyan

St.-Petersburg AIDS Center

MD, gynecologist of Department women and children health

Natalya Yevgenyevna Dementyeva

St.-Petersburg AIDS Center

MD, clinical laboratory physician

Lyudmila Ivanovna Krutitskaya

St.-Petersburg AIDS Center

MD, PhD, clinical laboratory physician

Aza Gasanovna Rakhmanova

St.-Petersburg AIDS Center

MD, Professor, Principial infectious specialist of Saint-Petersburg, deputy director of St.-Petersburg AIDS Center

Nikolay Alekseyevich Belyakov

St.-Petersburg AIDS Center

member of RAMS, MD, Professor, Head of St.-Petersburg AIDS Center


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Copyright (c) 2013 Samarina A.V., Lisitsina Z.N., Martirosyan M.M., Dementyeva N.Y., Krutitskaya L.I., Rakhmanova A.G., Belyakov N.A.

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