Comparative assessment Of life quality of patients after the correction of genital prolapse with different synthetic implants

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There was made a comparative analysis of surgical complications, life quality of patients and also sexual life quality after the correction of genital prolapse with the implants Prosima™ and Prolift™. There were reflected the advantages of the operation when the implants Prosima™ were used while correcting the genital prolapsed of III stage compared with the use of the implant Prolift™. There was shown the success of the operation Prosima™, its safety because of little invasiveness and few number of complications, satisfaction of the patients with the results of the treatment and also the improvement of the life quality and restoration of sexual activity.

About the authors

Vitaliy Fedorovich Bezhenar

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

Doctor of medical scienes, professor, The Head of Operative Gynecology Department

Yevgeniya Sergeyevna Guseva

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

PhD student of department of Operative Gynecology

Anna Alekseyevna Tsypurdeyeva

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

assistant professor of Operative Gynecology Department

Yelena Ivanovna Rusina

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

assistant professor of Operative Gynecology Department

Liliya Karlovna Tsuladze

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

obstetrician gynecologist of Operative Gynecology Department


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Copyright (c) 2013 Bezhenar V.F., Guseva Y.S., Tsypurdeyeva A.A., Rusina Y.I., Tsuladze L.K.

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