The importance of automized antenatal cardiotocography for assessment of the functional state of fetuses with retarded development

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Application in obstetric practice of automated antenatal cardiotography method allows to eliminate subjectivity and to raise reliability of fetus condition estimation in group of pregnant woman of high obstetric and perinatal risk. It is established that in group of pregnant women with high risk of fetus condition infringement at cardiotocography dynamic supervision reveal already in II trimester. Herewith the earliest and authentic indicators of fetus condition infringement are: decrease variability basal rhythm fetal heart rate, absence of high variability or prevalence episodes of low variability over high, value of STV-short variability indicators less than 4.0. The obtained data allows to recommend application automated antenatal cardiotocography method in group of pregnant women with high perinatal risk for early diagnostics of fetus functional condition infringement. Possibility to estimate severity level of fetus metabolic acidosis will allow to solve in time issues of optimal obstetric tactics in pregnancy conducting, term and a method of delivery at this category of pregnant women

About the authors

Zhanar Kuanishbaykizi Kurmangali

National research center for mother and child

main scientific collaborator of radiologic, ultrasound and functional diagnostics of paraclinical department, MD

Gauri Billahanovna Bapaeyva

National research center for mother and child

main scientific collaborator of obstetrics and gynecology department, MD

Talshyn Muhadesovna Ukibassova

National research center for mother and child

head of obstetrics and gynecology department, MD, professor

Gulzhanat Nuratdinovna Aimagambetova

National research center for mother and child

ob-gyn physician


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Copyright (c) 2012 Kurmangali Z.K., Bapaeyva G.B., Ukibassova T.M., Aimagambetova G.N.

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