Clinical value of determination of markers of a thrombophylia at patients with the complicated pregnancy in the anamnesis

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The results of the survey of 214 patients with the complicated pregnancy (a preeclampsia, a premature detachment of placenta, antenatal fetal death, miscarriage) in the anamnesis are presented in the article. We determined the level of molecular markers of a thrombophilia (TAT, D-dimer) and aggregation activity of platelets and carried out antithrombotic therapy to these women. It is shown that 47,7 % of such nonpregnant women and pregnant early terms have the high level of D-dimer, TAT - 46,7 %, aggregation activity of platelets - 52,6 %. Determination of the increased levels of molecular markers of a thrombophilia is the indication to application the antithrombotic therapy and allow to control efficiency of this therapy.

About the authors

Margarita Darchoevna Andreeva

Kuban state medical university

Phd, Associate Professor, department of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology, Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists


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