Experience of use of the combined medication Vagiferon® for topical application in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis

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Objective: To assess the efficacy of the combined medication Vagiferon® for topical application, containing antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral and immunomodulatory components in the treatment of non-pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis. Study design: This paper presents the experience of use of the medication Vagiferon® in the treatment of 29 non-pregnant women aged 22-45 with bacterial vaginosis. The medication Vagiferon® was administered vaginally as 1 suppository 1 time per day at bedtime for 10 days. The patients underwent a standard pelvic exam, which included the study of their vaginal microflora content by the microscopic method (Gram staining). The study was undertaken before therapy, in 14 days after its start, and in three months after its completion. Results: According to our observations of patients with bacterial vaginosis, in 93,1 percent of cases complete clinical remission was noted. Microbiological efficacy of the treatment was 86,2 percent. The signs of disease recurrence as well as any side effects or rejection of the use of the medication were not registered. Conclusion: Based on the combination of high efficacy and safety of Vagiferon®, this medicine can be recommended for wide use in the gynaecological practice.

About the authors

Svetlana Alexandrovna Metelkina

Regional Perinatal Center

head of consultative and diagnostic department

Daria Michailovna Averina

Regional Perinatal Center

obstetrician-gynecologist, consultative and diagnostic department

Larisa Vyacheslavovna Kuptsova

Regional Perinatal Center

Head of clinical and diagnostic laboratory

Dmitry L’vovich Guryev

Regional Perinatal Center

Email: d_guriev@mail.ru
PhD, chief physician


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Copyright (c) 2015 Metelkina S.A., Averina D.M., Kuptsova L.V., Guryev D.L.

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