Minimally invasive intrauterine interventions: a review of their use in the prevention of pregnancy complications in case of premature discharge of amniotic fluid and rupture of the amniotic membrane during fetoscopic interventions

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This review article highlights the results of using the variety of methods to prevent premature discharge of amniotic fluid as a complication of minimally invasive intrauterine interventions: the imposition of tissue sealant and amniopatch; amnioinfusion with normal saline, Ringer’s solution or artificial amniotic fluid using a port system. A historical background is given on the application of these correction methods.

About the authors

Natalya V. Kosovtsova

Urals Scientific Research Institute for Maternal and Child Care

Author for correspondence.

MD, PhD, DSci (Medicine), Leading Researcher, the Head of the Department of Biophysical and Radiation Research

Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

Tatyana A. Putilova

Urals Scientific Research Institute for Maternal and Child Care



Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

Maria V. Pavlichenko

Urals Scientific Research Institute for Maternal and Child Care


MD, PhD, the Head of the Young Children Department

Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

Tatyana V. Markova

Urals Scientific Research Institute for Maternal and Child Care


MD, PhD, Senior Researcher

Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Port system (from the B. Braun catalog [26])

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3. Fig. 2. Conductor in the amniotic cavity [26]

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Copyright (c) 2019 Kosovtsova N.V., Putilova T.A., Pavlichenko M.V., Markova T.V.

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