RCSI Journals Platform

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Gaps in Russian Legislation

ISSN (print): 2072-3164, ISSN (online): 2310-7049

Founder: Publishing house "Yur-VAK"

Editor-in-Chief: Abashidze Aslan Huseinovich - Dr. legal sciences, professor

Frequency / Access:  8 issues per year / Subscription

Included in:  Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

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Genes & Cells

ISSN (print): 2313-1829, ISSN (online): 2500-2562

Founders: Public Joint-Stock Company "Human Stem Cells Institute", Lopukhin Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Eco-Vector 

Editor-in-Chief: Marina A. Lagarkova, corresponding member RAS, Doctor of Sc., Full Professor

Frequency / Access: 4 issues per year / Open

Included in: While List (3rd level), RISC, Scopus, Embase

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ISSN (print): 0016-6758

Founder: Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Nikolay Kazimirovich Yankovskiy, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Frequency / Access: 12 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (3rd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

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Geochemistry International

ISSN (print): 0016-7029, ISSN (online): 1556-1968

Editor-in-Chief: Yuri A. Kostitsyn

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 2), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

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ISSN (print): 0869-7809

Founders: E.M. Sergeev Institute of Geoecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences 

Editor-in-Chief: Victor Ivanovich Osipov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (3rd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

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Geography and Natural Resources

ISSN (print): 1875-3728, ISSN (online): 1875-371X

Editor-in-Chief: Victor M. Plyusnin

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 2), Scopus, Web of Science (ESCI)

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ISSN (print): 0016-7525

Founders: V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Yuri Aleksandrovich Kostitsyn, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Frequency / Access: 12 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (2nd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

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Geologiâ rudnyh mestoroždenij

ISSN (print): 0016-7770

Founder: Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Ilya Vladimirovich Vikentyev, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (1st level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

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Geology of Ore Deposits

ISSN (print): 1075-7015, ISSN (online): 1555-6476

Editor-in-Chief: Ilya V. Vikentyev

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 1), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

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Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

ISSN (print): 0016-7932, ISSN (online): 1555-645X

Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir D. Kuznetsov

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 2), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

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Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ

ISSN (print): 0016-7940

Founder: N.V. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir Dmitrievich Kuznetsov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (2nd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

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Geomorfologiâ i paleogeografiâ

ISSN (print): 2949-1789, ISSN (online): 2949-1797

Founders: Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Andrey Valeryevich Panin, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographic Sciences, 

Frequency / Access: 4 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

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ISSN (print): 0016-8521, ISSN (online): 1556-1976

Editor-in-Chief: Kirill E. Degtyarev

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 1), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

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ISSN (print): 0016-853Х

Founder: Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Kirill Evgenyevich Degtyarev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (1st level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

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Glass and Ceramics

ISSN (print): 0361-7610, ISSN (online): 1573-8515

Editor-in-Chief: Lyudmila V. Sokolova

Publisher: Springer

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 3), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

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Glass Physics and Chemistry

ISSN (print): 1087-6596, ISSN (online): 1608-313X

Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir Ya. Shevchenko

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 2), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

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Golden horde review

ISSN (print): 2308-152XISSN (online): 2313-6197

Founder:  State institution "Tatarstan Academy of Sciences"

Editor-in-Chief:  Ilnur M. Mirgaleev, Cand. Sci. (History)

Frequency / Access: 4 issues per year / Open 

Included in: White List (1st level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISCScopus, Web of Science Core Collection

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Gorodskie issledovaniâ i praktiki

ISSN (print): 2500-1604, ISSN (online): 2542-0003

Founder: National Research University Higher School of Economics

Editor-in-Chief:  Anashvili V.V.

Frequency / Assess: 4 issues per year / Open

Included in: RISC

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Gosudarstvo i pravo

ISSN (print): 1026-9452, ISSN (online): 2713-0398

Founders: Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Alexander Nikolaevich Savenkov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor 

Frequency / Access: 12 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (3rd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC, Scopus

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Gravitation and Cosmology

ISSN (print): 0202-2893, ISSN (online): 1995-0721

Editor-in-Chief: Kirill A. Bronnikov

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 3), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

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ISSN (print): 2079-5696, ISSN (online): 2079-5831

Founder: Medicinskie izdaniya CJSC

Editor-in-Chief: Vera N. Prilepskaya, Doctor of Sc., Professor

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Open

Included in: White List (3rd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC, Scopus

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Gyroscopy and Navigation

ISSN (print): 2075-1087, ISSN (online): 2075-1109

Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir G. Peshekhonov

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 2), Scopus

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Gaps in Russian Legislation

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Gaps in Russian Legislation

ISSN (print): 2072-3164, ISSN (online): 2310-7049

Founder: Publishing house "Yur-VAK"

Editor-in-Chief: Abashidze Aslan Huseinovich - Dr. legal sciences, professor

Frequency / Access:  8 issues per year / Subscription

Included in:  Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

Genes & Cells

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Genes & Cells

ISSN (print): 2313-1829, ISSN (online): 2500-2562

Founders: Public Joint-Stock Company "Human Stem Cells Institute", Lopukhin Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Eco-Vector 

Editor-in-Chief: Marina A. Lagarkova, corresponding member RAS, Doctor of Sc., Full Professor

Frequency / Access: 4 issues per year / Open

Included in: While List (3rd level), RISC, Scopus, Embase


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ISSN (print): 0016-6758

Founder: Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Nikolay Kazimirovich Yankovskiy, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Frequency / Access: 12 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (3rd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

Geochemistry International

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Geochemistry International

ISSN (print): 0016-7029, ISSN (online): 1556-1968

Editor-in-Chief: Yuri A. Kostitsyn

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 2), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)


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ISSN (print): 0869-7809

Founders: E.M. Sergeev Institute of Geoecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences 

Editor-in-Chief: Victor Ivanovich Osipov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (3rd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

Geography and Natural Resources

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Geography and Natural Resources

ISSN (print): 1875-3728, ISSN (online): 1875-371X

Editor-in-Chief: Victor M. Plyusnin

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 2), Scopus, Web of Science (ESCI)


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ISSN (print): 0016-7525

Founders: V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Yuri Aleksandrovich Kostitsyn, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Frequency / Access: 12 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (2nd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

Geologiâ rudnyh mestoroždenij

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Geologiâ rudnyh mestoroždenij

ISSN (print): 0016-7770

Founder: Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Ilya Vladimirovich Vikentyev, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (1st level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

Geology of Ore Deposits

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Geology of Ore Deposits

ISSN (print): 1075-7015, ISSN (online): 1555-6476

Editor-in-Chief: Ilya V. Vikentyev

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 1), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

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Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

ISSN (print): 0016-7932, ISSN (online): 1555-645X

Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir D. Kuznetsov

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 2), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ

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Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ

ISSN (print): 0016-7940

Founder: N.V. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir Dmitrievich Kuznetsov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (2nd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

Geomorfologiâ i paleogeografiâ

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Geomorfologiâ i paleogeografiâ

ISSN (print): 2949-1789, ISSN (online): 2949-1797

Founders: Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Andrey Valeryevich Panin, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographic Sciences, 

Frequency / Access: 4 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC


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ISSN (print): 0016-8521, ISSN (online): 1556-1976

Editor-in-Chief: Kirill E. Degtyarev

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 1), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)


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ISSN (print): 0016-853Х

Founder: Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Kirill Evgenyevich Degtyarev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (1st level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC

Glass and Ceramics

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Glass and Ceramics

ISSN (print): 0361-7610, ISSN (online): 1573-8515

Editor-in-Chief: Lyudmila V. Sokolova

Publisher: Springer

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 3), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

Glass Physics and Chemistry

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Glass Physics and Chemistry

ISSN (print): 1087-6596, ISSN (online): 1608-313X

Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir Ya. Shevchenko

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 2), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)

Golden horde review

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Golden horde review

ISSN (print): 2308-152XISSN (online): 2313-6197

Founder:  State institution "Tatarstan Academy of Sciences"

Editor-in-Chief:  Ilnur M. Mirgaleev, Cand. Sci. (History)

Frequency / Access: 4 issues per year / Open 

Included in: White List (1st level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISCScopus, Web of Science Core Collection

Gorodskie issledovaniâ i praktiki

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Gorodskie issledovaniâ i praktiki

ISSN (print): 2500-1604, ISSN (online): 2542-0003

Founder: National Research University Higher School of Economics

Editor-in-Chief:  Anashvili V.V.

Frequency / Assess: 4 issues per year / Open

Included in: RISC

Gosudarstvo i pravo

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Gosudarstvo i pravo

ISSN (print): 1026-9452, ISSN (online): 2713-0398

Founders: Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Alexander Nikolaevich Savenkov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor 

Frequency / Access: 12 issues per year / Subscription

Included in: White List (3rd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC, Scopus

Gravitation and Cosmology

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Gravitation and Cosmology

ISSN (print): 0202-2893, ISSN (online): 1995-0721

Editor-in-Chief: Kirill A. Bronnikov

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 3), Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE)


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ISSN (print): 2079-5696, ISSN (online): 2079-5831

Founder: Medicinskie izdaniya CJSC

Editor-in-Chief: Vera N. Prilepskaya, Doctor of Sc., Professor

Frequency / Access: 6 issues per year / Open

Included in: White List (3rd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC, Scopus

Gyroscopy and Navigation

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Gyroscopy and Navigation

ISSN (print): 2075-1087, ISSN (online): 2075-1109

Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir G. Peshekhonov

Publisher: Pleiades Publishing

Indexed in: RUS White List (level 2), Scopus

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