Cytogenetic anomalies in gastric epithelial cells of fundic stomach region of the patients with chronic gastritis

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The stomach is one of the microecological systems of human organism. Helicobacter pylori (HP) plays especial role in gastral ecosystem. The micronucleus (MN) test for investigation of cytogenetical anomalies in fundic stomach cells in chronic gastritis patients of different age was applied. Some morphological features — protrusions for example and presence of two nuclei in mucosa cells were registrated. Marked increase of cells with MN in HP-positive patients in comparison with non-positive ones in all age groups was found. The quantity differences of dinuclear parietal cells in HP-positive patients were revealed.

About the authors

Ludmila V Kitaeva

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, RF



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