Genetic polymorphism in waxweed (Red Book of the Russian Federation) in North-West Russia

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BACKGROUND: Waxweed (Myrica gale L.) is a protected plant species found in the Russian Federation only in the Leningrad Region and Karelia. It is almost not studied from the genetic point of view. This species is presumably hexaploid; it propagates mainly vegetatively, and the role of sexual reproduction in the life cycle of waxweed is unclear. All waxweed populations in the Russian Federation are small and belong to the edge ones (occupy the easternmost positions in the range).

AIM: The aim of the study is to investigate genomic DNA polymorphism in waxweed populations in the Russian Federation, and to evaluate the role of sexual reproduction in propagation and dispersal of this species.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: AFLP-analysis of waxweed genomic DNA in 6 natural populations (5 populations in the Leningrad Region, 1 in Karelia). Using 3 pairs of primers, we studied waxweed genomic polymorphism for 22 DNA fragments.

RESULTS: Each of the studied waxweed populations is genetically polymorphic. Among 182 analyzed plants we distinguished 27 different AFLP-genotypes, two of which were common in all populations studied. Most of others AFLP genotypes (20) were represented just by a single plant or a couple of plants. Some of these rare AFLP genotypes are likely the results of mutation and/or recombination processes affecting the common AFLP genotypes.

CONCLUSIONS: The role of sexual reproduction in waxweed propagation, although minor, is noticeable.

About the authors

Oleg N. Tikhodeyev

Saint Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9923-8614
SPIN-code: 4663-2218

Cand. Sci. (Biology), Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Marina Y. Tikhodeeva

Saint Petersburg State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9347-6758
SPIN-code: 2573-2107

Cand. Sci. (Biology)

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Anna E. Romanovich

Saint Petersburg State University

ORCID iD: 0009-0004-7839-8482
SPIN-code: 8364-4430

Cand. Sci. (Biology)

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Uliyana A. Galaktionova

Saint Petersburg State University; Vega Ltd, Alkor Bio Group

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg; Saint Petersburg

Olga A. Semicheva

Saint Petersburg State University; Vega Ltd, Alkor Bio Group

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg; Saint Petersburg

Vyacheslav N. Bolshakov

Vega Ltd, Alkor Bio Group

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-5126-6035
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure. An example of DNA fragments chosen for AFLP analysis with the use of F-EcoRI-AAT and Tru9I-CTT primers. The number above a peak means the length of a chosen fragment (bp). Fragments corresponding to other peaks in this chromatogram were not chosen for the analysis due to either unclear identification or low reproducibility in independent technical replicates. Fragment length markers are shown in orange

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