Molecular genetic basis of biofilm formation as a component of Vibrio Cholerae persistence in water reservoirs of Russian Federation

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Background. The problem of cholera remains acute for world health service and risks of importation of Vibrio cholerae strains from endemic countries to Russia do exist. Toxigenic strains (carrying cholera toxin genes ctxAB) can cause epidemic outbreaks of cholera and non-toxigenic (ctxAB-) – single or multiple cases of cholera-like diarrhea. Investigation of their ability to survive in water reservoirs in climatic conditions of middle latitudes by means of forming biofilms is essential for potential threat evaluation.

Materials and methods. Biofilm formation by 15 V. cholerae strains on abiotic surfaces was studied in microcosms with tap water and cover glasses. Identification of responsible genetic determinants in whole genome sequences and bioinformatics analysis were performed using BioEdit 7.2.5, BLASTN 2.2.29, Blastp and Vector NTI Advance 11 software.

Results. The strains investigated differed in terms of biofilm formation which correlated with structural features of genes for MSHA pili (msh), matrix polysaccharides (vps) and proteins (rbm) as well as for certain regulatory factors. Strains with none or few genetic deviations from prototypes formed mature biofilms in 5-7 days while those containing truncated genes mshL, mshN, rbmC – only in 13 days. One strain with truncated gene for positive regulator vpsR formed an immature biofilm. Acceleration of the process in some strains up to 2-3 days correlated with either truncated gene hapR (negative regulator) or altered structure of both msh and vps-rbm gene clusters.

Conclusion. Analysis of genetic determinants responsible for biofilm formation may be used for prediction of V. cholerae ability to survive in environmental objects of Russia and thus the potential danger of the latters as sources of infection.

About the authors

Svetlana V. Titova

Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute


PhD, Director

Russian Federation, 117/40, Gorkogo street, Rostov-on-Don, 344002

Elena V. Monakhova

Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute

Author for correspondence.

DPhil, Leading Researcher, Head of Group of Molecular Biology of Vibrio Human Pathogens

Russian Federation, 117/40, Gorkogo street, Rostov-on-Don, 344002

Ludmila P. Alekseeva

Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute


DPlil, Professor, Head of Laboratory of Hybridomes

Russian Federation, 117/40, Gorkogo street, Rostov-on-Don, 344002

Ruslan V. Pisanov

Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute


Phd, Head of Laboratory of Diagnostics of Especially Dangerous Infections

Russian Federation, 117/40, Gorkogo street, Rostov-on-Don, 344002


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Scheme of a microcosm for studies of biofilm formation by V. cholera

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3. Fig. 2. Comparison of msh-clusters of 2 V. cholerae strains. Genes, identical or similar to prototypes are shown in black and significantly different – in grey

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4. Fig. 3. Comparison of vps-I – rbm – vps-II clusters of two V. cholerae strains. Genes, identical or similar to prototypes are shown in black, significantly different – in grey, truncated – in white, the new gene is hatched

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Copyright (c) 2018 Titova S.V., Monakhova E.V., Alekseeva L.P., Pisanov R.V.

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