The comparative analysis of effectiveness of barley intercalar and apical meristems applying for bioindication of lead influence genotoxicity

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Background. Lead is the one of the major pollutants in natural and artificial ecosystems, but mechanisms of it influence on the plant organism still aren’t completely clear. With the growing industrial pollution of the environment, and in particular, arable lands, the methods of bioindication of chemical compounds influence on the plant organism are obtained a big significance in modern biology. The cytogenetic analysis is well proven method for assessment of the environmental stress. The current research was devoted to the analysis of the cytogenetic aberrations bounds with the biometric and biochemical indexes and productivity of barley plants, which were grown on the lead polluted soil at terms of the vegetative experiment. An estimation of the comparative effectiveness of the barley plants intercalary and apical meristem applying for the indication of the lead toxicity are presented in the current work.

Materials and methods. The vegetative experiment was carried on the barley plants variant Zazerskii 85 on the podzol loamy soil with the inserting of the nutrient elements and lead in the different concentrations at the form of salts. Plants were grown in the pots with the capacity of 5 kg by the standard methodic. For the cytogenetic analysis samples were taken on V1 phase of the ontogenesis and fixed in the acetyl alcohol. Temporary squashed preparations was stained with the acetoorsein and examined by the microscope. Frequencies of the cytogenetic anomalies and aberrant cells were scored.

Results. It was shown, that forms of dose curves of the frequencies of the aberrant cells at the intercalary and apical meristems are compatible and changes of the mitotic index aren’t significant. A major part of the cytogenetic anomalies are bound with the division spindle breaches. A suitability of the apical and intercalary meristems for the assessment of the heavy metals influence on the agricultural plants was proven.

Conclusions. On the base of collected data the cytogenetic analysis can be recommended as the reliable tool for the assessment of the industrial pollution consequences for the agricultural ecosystems and for the researching of the mechanisms of the living objects response to the environmental stress. For the heavy metals influence monitoring the intrecalar meristems is preferable as more sensitive, but for plants productivity prognosis the apical meristems is suitable.

About the authors

Vladimir G. Dikarev

Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology


S.S.C., PH.D. of B.S., Laboratory No 6

Russian Federation, 109 km, Kievskoe shosse, Kaluga region, Obninsk, 249032

Stanislav A. Geras’kin

Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology


Sen. of Lab., Sc.D., Professor, Laboratory No 6

Russian Federation, 109 km, Kievskoe shosse, Kaluga region, Obninsk, 249032

Alexey V. Dikarev

Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology

Author for correspondence.

S.S.C., PH.D. of B.S., Laboratory No 6

Russian Federation, 109 km, Kievskoe shosse, Kaluga region, Obninsk, 249032

Nina S. Dikareva

Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology


S.S.C., PH.D. of A.S., Laboratory No 6

Russian Federation, 109 km, Kievskoe shosse, Kaluga region, Obninsk, 249032


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Atypical species of cytogenetic anomalies: a – incorrect chromosome divergence; b – pathologic anaphase; c – chromosome agglutinations; d – indivergence of chromosomes

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3. Fig. 2. A frequency of the aberrant cells in the intercalary and apical meristems in dependence of the lead content in soil (at the left axis a value of FAC – frequency of aberrant cells – is presented for the intercalary meristem; at the right – same for the apical meristem)

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4. Fig. 3. Changes of the mitotic index (MI) at the intercalary and apical meristem of the barley plants in dependence of the lead content in soil

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Copyright (c) 2018 Dikarev V.G., Geras’kin S.A., Dikarev A.V., Dikareva N.S.

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