Variability in size and shape of wings in longevity-selected strains of house fly (Musca Domestica L.): geometric morphometrics

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Background. The aim of the study is evaluate the long-term morphogenetic consequences of the housefly mass selection by the lifespan of two formed strains with different longevity.

Materials and methods. Two control groups were detached from the strains Sh gen (short-living adults) after 65th and L gen (long-living) after 45th generations of selection for early or late reproduction. Geometric morphometrics of the fly’s wing shape are made from the configurations of 17 homologous Landmarks positioned on the wings images. The direction and magnitude of the interstrain differences were estimated using the canonical analysis of Procrustes coordinates, which characterized the variability of the wing shape. The degree of intra-group morphological disparity from the values of the first two canonical variables was analyzed by the nearest neighbour point pattern analysis.

Results. Significant interstrain and sex differences in the shape and size of the wing were revealed. The size of the wing plate of males and females of the Sh gen strain and the level of intragroup disparity are significantly larger than in the L gen strain. The pattern of intragroup disparity of the wing shape of the Sh gen adults is characterized by a significant effect of ordinates overdispersion.

Conclusion. A hypothesis has been put forward that the revealed morphogenetic rearrangements in individuals of both strain formed on the base of historically existing potent ontogenetic trajectories of species. It is assumed that the basis for morphogenesis rearrangements are the primary epigenetic changes due to the transposition of the mobile elements of the genome.

About the authors

Tansulpan T. Akhmetkireeva

Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics, Ufa Scientific Center of RAS

Author for correspondence.

Senior Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory of Molecular Genetic of Human

Russian Federation, Ufa

Galina V. Ben'kovskaya

Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics, Ufa Scientific Center of RAS


Dr. Biol. Sci., Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Physiological Genetics

Russian Federation, Ufa

Aleksei G. Vasil'ev

Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology UB RAS


Dr. Biol. Sci., Prof., Chief of Lab, Laboratory of Evolution Ecology

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Locations of landmarks (1–17) on wing of house fly

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3. Fig. 2. Results of canonical analysis of Procrustes coordinates characterizing shape variation of the wing in males (1, 3) and females (2, 4) of Sh gen (1, 2) and L gen (3, 4) strains of house fly. Contour images of wing deformations – outlines correspond to the maximum and minimum values on the canonical axes. Ellipsoids include 95% of sample dispersion

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4. Fig. 3. Results of UPGMA cluster analysis of a generalized Mahalanobis distance (D2) matrix between males and females samples of Sh gen and L gen strains of house fly

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Copyright (c) 2018 Akhmetkireeva T.T., Ben'kovskaya G.V., Vasil'ev A.G.

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