The reasons of genetic heterogeneity of Siberian whitefish Coregonus lavaretus pidschian in the Anabar river

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Background. A population genetic study of Siberian whitefish or pidschian Coregonus lavaretus pidschian Gmelin of the Anabar River (North-West Yakutia) has been done to study genetic structure of the species within a river system and for revealing its phylogeographic relations.

Materials and Methods. Five samples of pidschian from different parts of the river were analyzed for 30 isozyme loci.

Results and Discussion. The results has demonstrated a significant genetic heterogeneity of the species sampled from lower and middle reaches of the river (0.001 < DN< 0.056). The most likely reason for genetic differentiation of the species within the river system is a colonization of the watershed by independent phylogenetic lineages of whitefish. At present the phylogenetic lineages in Anabar River are presented by sympatric ecological forms of the species – eastern-siberian whitefish and glacial-plains whitefish – which maintain their reproductive isolation. The relationships of ecological forms of whitefish dwelling the Anabar River with other populations of the species in Siberia, and possible ways of penetration of discrete phylogenetic lineages of pidschian in the basin of studied river are discussed.

Conclusions. A genetic heterogeneity of whitefish from Anabar River should be taken into account while creating adequate intraspecific taxonomy and considered in conducting fisheries and environmental measures.

About the authors

Dmitry S. Sendek

State Research Institute of Lake and river Fishery

Author for correspondence.

Senior researcher

Russian Federation,  26, Makarova emb., Saint-Petersburg, 199053

Eugenie V. Ivanov

Institute for Applied Ecology of North


Head of laboratory, Laboratory of water ecosystems

Russian Federation, Yakutsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Sampling sites of pidschian in the Anabar River and Anabar Bay: 1. Khorgo Cap – N 73029′58 E 113031′20; 2. Uele River – N 73015′22 E 114017′39; 3. Suolema River – N 73013′32 E 113028′19; 4. Poropuon River – N 72049′21 E 113015′58; 5. Mayat River – N 71019′57 E 113050′31

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