Physiological mechanism epistatic interaction of resistance genes to acaricides of various chemical classes in the interline hybrids of two-spotted spider mite

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Summary: Background. The presence in interline hybrids two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch two genes determining resistance to acaricides of various chemical classes significantly increases their sensitivity to the action of each these toxicants.

Materials and methods. The resistant and susceptible to malathion, bifenthrin and abamectin inbred lines of spider mite by disruptive selection cycles were obtained. The toxicological tests were performed by diagnostic concentrations of acaricides. The protein marker gene of resistance to malathion was determined by poliacrylamide disc-electrophoresis.

Results. The epistatic interaction of resistance genes to different acaricides is not manifestation at the stages of transcription and translation of genetic information.

Conclusion. The epistatic effect of another gene on the resistance gene to the current acaricide is a different consequence of metabolism processes encoded by each gene at the stage of phenotypic regulation.

About the authors

Oleg V Sundukov

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Senior scientist, Laboratory ecotoxicology

Russian Federation, Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Irina A Tulaeva

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection


PhD, scientist, Laboratory ecotoxicology

Russian Federation, Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Evgeniy A Zubanov

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection


scientist, Laboratory ecotoxicology

Russian Federation, Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Identification of the allozyme E3 carboxylesterase in females homozygous for the gene of resistance to malathion: а – 1♀R-mal., b – 1♀S-mal., c – 1♀R-mal. (treatment); d – 20♀♀R-mal., e – 20♀♀S-mal., f – 20♀♀R-mal. Substrates for hydrolysis: 1 – naphthylacetate (a, b, c), s-bu tyrylthiocholine iodide (d, e), acetylthiocholine iodide (f)

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3. Fig. 2. Identification of the allozyme Е3 carboxylesterase in females homozygous for the genes of resistance to bifenthrin and hybrid bifenthrin-malathion: а – 1♀R-bif., b – 1♀S-bif., c – 20♀♀R-bif., d – 20♀♀S-bif., e – 1♀R-bif.-mal., f – 20♀♀R-bif.-mal. Substrates for hydrolysis: 1 – naphthylacetate (a, b, e) and s-butyrylthiocholine iodide (c, d, f)

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4. Fig. 3. Identification of the allozyme Е3 carboxylesterase in females homozygous for the genes of resistance to abamectin and hybrid abamectin-malathion: а – 1♀R-abam.; b – 1♀S-abam., c – 20♀♀R-abam., d – 20♀♀S-abam.; e – 1♀R-abam.-mal., f – 20♀♀R-abam.-mal. Substrates for hydrolysis: 1 – naphthylacetate (a, b, e) and s-butyrylthiocholine iodide (c, d, f)

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Copyright (c) 2017 Sundukov O.V., Tulaeva I.A., Zubanov E.A.

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