Hybridization between different lineages of pidschian-like whitefishes (Coregonus lavaretus pidschian, coregonidae) in water bodies of Southern Siberia

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Summary: Background. The purpose of this work was studying of interaction between morphologically similar forms of the pidcshian-like whitefishes inhabiting restricted territory of “riverine-lacustrine” system situated in the Bolshoi Abakan Rriver basin.

Material and methods. In the morphological analysis were used 141 whitefish individuals from Lake Karakul and 26 – from the Bolshoi Abakan River. In the genetic analysis 11 and 26 whitefish individuals were used respectively. For them the sequences of a gene 16S-ND1 of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and ITS1 of nuclear DNA (nDNA) were defined.

Results. The whitefish populations clear differ on the gill raker numbers on the first branchial arch, growth. The analysis of the 16S-ND1 mtDNA genes variability revealed among them several divergent lineages and two lineages were revealed on the structure of ITS1 fragment of the nDNA.

Conclusions. Based on the obtained data it is proved that two genetically divergent populations of the morphologically same forms of pidcshian-like whitefishes inhabiting the “riverine-lacustrine” system (the Bolshoi Abakan River – Lake Karakul). Our results are supported a hypothesis of multiple hybridization between week differentiated populations/form of pidcshian-like whitefishes in habiting region during the postglacial period.

About the authors

Nikolai A Bochkarev

Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animal SB RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: ih@eco.nsc.ru

PhD, Sen Sci Res, Laboratory of Animal Ecology

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russia

Elena I Zuykova

Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animal SB RAS

Email: ih@eco.nsc.ru

PhD, Sen Sci Res, Laboratory of Animal Ecology

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russia

Michail M Solovyov

Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animal SB RAS

Email: yarmak85@mail.ru

PhD, Sen Sci Res, Laboratory of Animal Ecology

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Map of the studied region: the Bolshoi Abakan River and Lake Karakul – I, Lake Teletskoye – II, the lakes of the Todzha Depression – III, the Marha River – IV. Fishing sites are marked by black circles

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3. Fig. 2. Heads of the pidschian-like whitefishes from Lake Karakul (а) and the Bolshoi Abakan River (b) (drawing of Bochkarev N.A., scale bar 10 mm)

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4. Fig. 3. Plots of the first two principal component scores based on morphological traits of the pidschian-like whitefishes: 1 – Lake Karakul (grey diamond), 2 – the Bolshoi Abakan River (black square), 3 – Lake Teletskoye (white circle)

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5. Fig. 4. Phylogenetic relationships (a) and median-joining network (b) for whitefishes from the Lake Karakul, the Bolshoi Abakan River, lakes of the Todzha Depression and the Marha River (the Vilyui River basin based on the 16S-ND1 sequences of the mtDNA. The bootstrap values and posterior probability are given in the following order: NJ/ML/ MrB. White circles – haplotypes from Lake Karakul, grey circles – haplotypes from the Bolshoi Abakan River and white circles – haplotypes from the lakes of the Todzha Depression, dark-grey circles – haplotypes from the Marha River

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6. Fig. 5. Results of the mismatch distribution of the studied whitefish populations: a – population from Lake Karakul, b – population from the Bolshoi Abakan River, c – joined population from the Bolshoi Abakan River and Lake Karakul, d – all populations (the Bolshoi Abakan and Marha rivers, Lake Karakul and the lakes of the Todzha Depression). 1 – observed values, 2 – expected values for the case of stable populations, 3 – the expected values for the case of episodic reductions in populations

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Copyright (c) 2017 Bochkarev N.A., Zuykova E.I., Solovyov M.M.

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