Study of allele pool and genetic structure of russian population of lowland-caucasian line of European bison (Bison bonasus)

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Summary: Background. The European bison (Bison bonasus) is the only wild ox of Europe, survived to our days. Whilst numerous stu dies have been undertaken to characterize the Lowland line of European bison, it is little known about allele pool and population genetic structure of the Lowland-Caucasian line of wisent.

Materials and methods. The samples were collected from twenty-six animals of Russian breeding nucleus of Lowland-Caucasian line. Ten Bos Taurus microsatellites (TGLA227, BM2113, ETH10, SPS115, TGLA122, INRA23, TGLA126, BM1818, ETH225, and BM1824) were used for analysis.

Results. Eight of ten microsatellite loci (excluding TGLA227 and INRA23) were polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus is varied of one to five with average value of 2.80 ± 0.47. The alleles, which are specific for Lowland-Caucasian line, were identified. We observed relatively high inbreeding level (FIS = 0,091) and very low effective population size (Ne = 1.8, 95% CIs, Parametric 1.1-2.9). We showed that two genetically distinct groups have taken part in formation of allele pool of studied wisent population.

Conclusion. Our data indicated that the development of breeding program to decrease the inbreeding degree and to increase the level of genetic diversity is necessary.

About the authors

Arsen V Dotsev

L.K. Ernst Institute for Animal Husbandry

Author for correspondence.

researcher, PhD, Department of animal breeding, selection and technologies

Russian Federation, Moscow region, Russia

Polina V Aksenova

Don State Technical University


Dr. biol. sciences, Professor, Department of Biology and general pathology

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Valeriya V Volkova

L.K. Ernst Institute for Animal Husbandry


researcher, PhD, Department of biotechnology and molecular diagnostics

Russian Federation, Moscow region, Russia

Veronika R Kharzinova

L.K. Ernst Institute for Animal Husbandry


researcher, PhD, Department of biotechnology and molecular diagnostics

Russian Federation, Moscow region, Russia

Olga V Kostyunina

L.K. Ernst Institute for Animal Husbandry


researcher, PhD, Department of biotechnology and molecular diagnostics

Russian Federation, Moscow region, Russia

Roman A Mnatsekanov

WWF Russia


Senior Project Coordinator

Russian Federation, Krasnodar region, Russia

Natalia A Zinovieva

L.K. Ernst Institute for Animal Husbandry


Head of department, Department of biotechnology and molecular diagnostics

Russian Federation, Moscow region, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Genotypic variability in 26 individuals of the Russian wisent population, genotyped by ten STR markers, based on principal component analysis (PCA): the X axis is the principal component 1 (PC1), the Y axis is the principal component 2 (PC2); investigated groups of wisent: PTZ – Prioksko-Terrasny, KCH – Karachaevo-Cherkessky, OKZ – Oksky

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3. Fig. 2. Population affiliation of 26 wisent individuals based on the analysis of 10 STR-markers estimated by STRUCTURE software: Investigated groups of wisent: PTZ – Prioksko-Terrasny, KCH – Karachaevo-Cherkessky, OKZ – Oksky; X axis – individuals (presented as thin vertical bars with fractions of different shades of gray, reflecting their alleged origin from different populations); Y axis – coefficient of membership Q

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4. Table 1. Comparative analysis of microsatellite DNA polymorphisms in Bison bonasus of Lowland-Caucasian and Lowland lines
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5. Table 2. The main population genetic parameters for studied groups of wisent (Bison bonasus), based on 10 STR markers
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Copyright (c) 2017 Dotsev A.V., Aksenova P.V., Volkova V.V., Kharzinova V.R., Kostyunina O.V., Mnatsekanov R.A., Zinovieva N.A.

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