Peculiarities of choromosomal polymorphism Glyptotendipes glaucus meigen, 1818 (Diptera, Chironomidae) from lake Chaika of the national park “Curonian spit”

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Background. The genus Glyptotendipes includes widespread species of chironomids with the largest phytophilous larvae, which constitute a large percentage of the total biomass of invertebrates. Glyptotendipes glaucus (Meigen, 1818) is the dominant species of chironomids in Lake Chaika of the National Park “Curonian Spit”.

Materials and methods. The material of the study included 51 Glyptotendipes glaucus fourth – instar larvae collected in Lake Chaika of the National Park “Curonian Spit”. Larvae were fixed in Carnoy’s liquid (ethanol : glacial acetic acid = 3 : 1) at the collection site. The slides of polytene chromosomes from salivary glands of the larvae were prepared according to the standard aceto – orsein technique. Chromosome mapping was carried out according to Belyanina and Durnova (1998).

Results. The level of inversion polymorphism for given populations was determined. Two new inversion sequences glaD6 and glaD7 were detected and localized. Ectopic contact type of T-T between the chromosome G(IV) and the arm of F(III), as well as the monomorphy of the chromosome III(EF) Glyptotendipes glaucus were first identified in the Kaliningrad region. The value of the ratio of the number of inversion sequences to the number of genomic combinations corresponded to its level for previously studied reservoirs in Kaliningrad city.

Conclusion. The prevalence of the inversion sequences glaA2, glaA3, glaB2 glaB3, glaB4, glaB6, glaC3, glaD2, glaD3, glaD5, glaG4 in chromosomes I(AB), II(CD) and IV(G) Glyptotendipes glaucus of Lake Chaika indicates the greatest variability and dynamism of this parts of the genome of the species.

About the authors

Evgeniya A. Kalinina

School of Life Sciences, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1610-0949
SPIN-code: 6679-5897


Russian Federation, 2, Universitetskaja street, Kaliningrad, 236000

Natalya V. Vinokurova

School of Life Sciences, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7862-9154
SPIN-code: 2358-0152

PhD in Biological sciences, senior lecturer

Russian Federation, 2, Universitetskaja street, Kaliningrad, 236000


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Chromosomal aberrations of the arms G, F, D Glyptotendipes glaucus: a – ectopic conjugation of the arms G and F (indicated by square bracket) of the T–T type; b – heterozygous inversion D1.6; c – heterozygous inversion D1.7

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3. Fig. 2. Inversion sequences of chromosome IV (G) Glyptotendipes glaucus: a – heterozygous inversion G1.4 (asynapsis homologs); b, c – variants of heterozygous inversion G1.5

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Copyright (c) 2017 Kalinina E.A., Vinokurova N.V.

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