Low level of genetic differentiation among populations of the rare species Allium regelianum A.K. Becker ex Iljin from the Volgograd region detected by ISSR-analysis

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Background. Knowledge of genetic diversity within and among populations of rare and endangered plants species is practically important for conservation management. Molecular markers are useful tools for analysis of genetic diversity. In this study ISSR-analysis of rare endemic species Allium regelianum which grows in the Volgograd region was performed for the first time.

Materials and Methods. A total of 93 samples from the 11 populations were collected and used in analysis. Six primers used in ISSR-analysis. Data analysis was performed using the GenAlEx 6.41, POPGEN 1.32, PAST 3.11 and STRUCTURE 2.3.1 programs.

Results. A total of 109 ISSR-fragments were scored of which 87 (79.8%) were polymorphic. Comparatively high level of intrapopulation diversity was estimated for the population of the area near Krasnoyarskii khutor, Serafimovichskii administrative region, and for the population of Khrenovatyi Liman, Nikolaevskii administrative region of Volgograd Oblast. Genetic similarity index among populations ranged from 0.88 to 0.96. Genetic differentiation among populations of A. regelianum, GST was 0.284, only. Analysis of molecular variance showed that genetic heterogeneity of A. regelianum 83% was attributed to differences within populations and 17% occurred among populations. Principal coordinate analysis and analysis of populations structure (with the used of STRUCTURE program) found no clear differentiation among populations.

Conclusion. The estimation of intra- and interpopulation diversity of A. regelianum was performed. ISSRs detected high levels of genetic similarity within the populations of A. regelianum and low level of genetic differentiation among populations.

About the authors

Aya A Trifonova

Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: aichka89@mail.ru

Postgraduate student, Laboratory of Plant Genetics

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Elena Z Kochieva

Institute of Bioengineering, Research Center of Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: ekochieva@yandex.ru

Dr. Biol. Sci., Researcher, Laboratory of Plant System Biology

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Alexander M Kudryavtsev

Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: kudryav@vigg.ru

Dr. Biol. Sci, Acting Director, Laboratory of Plant Genetics

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Sampling locations of A. regelianum. Numbers of sampling locations corresponds to the numbers in Table 1

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3. Fig. 2. ISSR profiles of accessions of A. regelianum with primer UBC841

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4. Fig. 3. Differentiation of 93 individuals of A. regelianum based on principal coordinates analysis. Populations symbols: + – Bykovskii administrative region, liman Tazhi (No 1-6); o – Nikolaevskii administrative region, liman Khrenovatyi (No 7-26); n – Nikolaevskii administrative region, liman Medvezhii (No 27-31); × – Nikolaevskii administrative region, liman Bogatyrev (No 32-42); l – Ilovlinskii administrative region, khutor Eretskii (No 43); ¡ – Frolovskii administrative region, khutor Vyezdinskii (No 44-45); ◊ – Serafimovichskii administrative region, khutor Druzhilinskii (No 46-48); * – Serafimovichskii administrative region, khutor Krasnoyarskii (No 49-78); – Serafimovichskii administrative region, khutor Buerak-Popovskii (No 79-84); — Serafimovichskii administrative region, khutor Novoaleksandrovskii (No 85-88); Δ – Alekseevskii administrative region, stanitsa Ust’-Buzulukskaya (No 89-93)

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5. Fig. 4. Probability of assignment of A. regelianum to groups identified by hierarchical STRUCTURE analysis, with the number of subpopulations к = 2. Vertical axis – the proportion of allele frequencies of the corresponding cluster; the horizontal axis – the analyzed samples (numbers of samples corresponds to the numbers in Table 1)

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Copyright (c) 2017 Trifonova A.A., Kochieva E.Z., Kudryavtsev A.M.

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