Combination of rice blast resistance genes in the genotypes of russian rice varieties with the use of marker assisted selection

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Grain productivity of rice is significantly reduced by dangerous disease – blast. Therefore, the development of resistant high yielding rice varieties with the Pi group of genes is important. Use of molecular markers linked with the loci of resistance significantly optimizes the breeding process.

The purpose of the research is to develop rice lines combining 2-6 loci of resistance to blast: Pi-1, Pi-2, Pi-33, Pi-ta, Pi-b, Pi-40 by molecular marking.

Materials and Methods. As donors of resistance genes foreign samples were used, recipient – Russian varieties. In the studies we used micro-satellites markers and PCR analysis.

Results. In the first stage of the research as a result of hybridization domestic lines with genes Pi-l, Pi-2, Pi-33 were obtained. At the second stage – hybrids with all 3 genes were developed. In the third stage genes Pi-b and Pi-ta and on the fourth – Pi-40 were introduced.

Conclusion. As a result, rice genotypes, combining 6 loci of blast resistance were developed with use of marker assisted selection.

About the authors

Pavel I. Kostylev

Agrarian Scientific Center “Donskoy”

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4371-6848
SPIN-code: 7901-1531

doctor of agricultural sciences, head, laboratory of breeding and seed production of rice

Russian Federation, 3, Nauchny Gorodok, Zernograd, Rostov region, 347740

Elena V. Krasnova

Agrarian Scientific Center “Donskoy”


candidate of agricultural sciences, leading researcher, laboratory of breeding and seed production of rice

Russian Federation, 3, Nauchny Gorodok, Zernograd, Rostov region, 347740

Aleksandr A. Redkin

Agrarian Scientific Center “Donskoy”


candidate of agricultural sciences, researcher, laboratory of breeding and seed production of rice

Russian Federation, 3, Nauchny Gorodok, Zernograd, Rostov region, 347740

Elena V. Dubina

All-Russian Research Institute of Rice


cand. of Biol. Sci., head of the laboratory

Russian Federation, 3, Belozerny, Krasnodar, 35092

Zhanna M. Mukhina

All-Russian Research Institute of Rice


doctor of biological sciences, Deputy Director on innovation

Russian Federation, 3, Belozerny, Krasnodar, 35092


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. table1eng
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3. table2eng
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4. Fig. 1. The panicle of hybrid F1 C101-Lас (Pi-1+33) × Boyarin

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5. Fig. 2. Results of the separation by electrophoresis of the amplification products of DNA plants F2 (C101-Lac × Boyarin) with the RM224 marker to the rice blast resistance gene Pi-1. Note: 39-56 – analyzed plants; B – recipient variety Boyarin; line C101-Lac – donor of gene Pi-1

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6. Fig. 3. Results of the separation by electrophoresis of the amplification products of DNA plants F2 (C101- A-51 × Boyarin) with the RM527 marker to the rice blast resistance gene Pi-2. Note: 65-110 – analyzed plants; B – recipient variety Boyarin; line C101 A-51 – donor of gene Pi-2

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7. Fig. 4. Results of the separation by electrophoresis of the amplification products of DNA plants F2 (C101-Lac × Boyarin) with the RM310 marker to the rice blast resistance gene Pi-33. Note: 56-73 – analyzed plants; B – recipient variety Boyarin; line C101-Lac – donor of gene Pi-33

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8. Fig. 5. Electrophoregrams for dividing the products of DNA amplification of rice plants with RM224, RM527, RM310, IGM Pi-b, IGM Pi-ta to five genes Pi-1, Pi-2, Pi-33, Pi-b, Pi-ta, respectively. Lines 1225/13 and 1396/13 (numbers of samples 2 and 19) have dominant al-leles in the homozygous state in five loci, variety Boyarin (B) – recessive. In the presence of the genes Pi-1, Pi-2, Pi-33, Pi-b, Pi-ta fragments of 158, 233, 85, 302, 132 bp, respectively, are amplified

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Copyright (c) 2017 Kostylev P.I., Krasnova E.V., Redkin A.A., Dubina E.V., Mukhina Z.M.

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