Karyotype and inversion polymorphism of natural populations Glyptotendipes glaucus (meigen), 1818 (diptera, chironomidae) from the small reservoirs of Kaliningrad

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Background. A larvae of family Chironomidae are the most mass and widespread species of macrozoobenthos and play an important role in the lives of almost all types of reservoirs. They constitute a convenient model in the analysis of anthropogenic influences. Besides, chironomids have the largest polytene chromosomes in nature that allow carrying out cytogenetic analysis of the impact of various toxic substances on chromosomal aberrations. Materials and methods. The karyotype and chromosomal inversion polymorphism one of the species phytophilic chironomids Glyptotendipes glaucus (Meigen, 1818) from five reservoirs of Kaliningrad (ponds Chistyi and Mel’nichnyi, system of ponds Karasevka, lakes Pen’kovoe and Shkol’noe) was studied. Cytological mapping of chromosomes was performed by system of Belyanina and Durnova (1998). Results. The levels of natural inversion polymorphism for each populations were determined. Comparison of inversion polymorphism with early data for Saratov, Bryansk and Kaliningrad regions was carried. The preservation of tendencies of distribution and prevalence gomo-and heterozygotic inversions of glaB1.2, glaB2.2 and also consolidation in the karyofund of populations sequence glaA2 in the heterozygous state in ponds Karasevka and Chistyi was observed. The characteristic for an earlier research of populations Glyptotendipes glaucus of Kaliningrad the presence inversion sequences glaG4 and glaD2 is retained. The level of inversion polymorphism for reservoirs of Kaliningrad has decreased and has approached nearer to data for Bryansk and Saratov regions. Conclusion. Based on these results we can offer a working hypothesis of a direct dependence of value of chromosomal polymorphism on the level of pollution of reservoirs ions of heavy metals (Kaliningrad), long-living radionuclides (Bryansk region), nitrates and ions of ammoniac nitrogen (Saratov region).

About the authors

Natalia V Vinokurova

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad

Author for correspondence.
Email: NVinokurova@kantiana.ru
PhD in Biological sciences, senior lecturer, School of Life Sciences Russian Federation

Evgeniya A Kalinina

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad

Email: EAKalinina1@kantiana.ru
Postgraduate, School of Life Sciences Russian Federation

Edgar E Stol’

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad

Email: ed-wizard@live.ru
Postgraduate, School of Life Sciences Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Polytene chromosomes of Glyptotendipes glaucus Mg. from Kaliningrad. glaA1.1, glaB2.2, glaC1.1, glaD1.1, glaE1.1, glaF1.1, glaG1.1 – symbols of genotypic combinations of band sequences in chromosomal arms, BR – Balbiani ring, N – nucleolar organizer. Arrows indicate the centromeres

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3. Table 1 Frequencies of band sequences in chromosomal arms of Glyptotendipes glaucus of natural populations from reservoirs of Kaliningrad
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4. Table 2 Localization of inversion band sequences in chromosomal arms of Glyptotendipes glaucus
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5. Table 3 Genomic combinations in karyotypes of Glyptotendipes glaucus larvae and their absolute frequency in reservoirs of Kaliningrad
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6. Table 4 Common indicators of polymorphisms of natural populations of Glyptotendipes glaucus in reservoirs of Kaliningrad
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7. Table 5 Comparative data on the inversion polymorphism of Glyptotendipes glaucus from different regions
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Copyright (c) 2016 Vinokurova N.V., Kalinina E.A., Stol’ E.E.

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