Use of morphoj soft package for phenotypic and genotypic variety testing (English oak case study)

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Summary: Background. Some special characters in asymmetry of shape were studied in leaf plate English oak. Materials and methods. In 6 random populations generalized Procrustes analysis showed the mix of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and directional asymmetry (DA). Results. One population showed pure FA. Covariance symmetric matrix reveals more variance in comparison to matrix asymmetry showed variation bilaterally symmetrical landmarks. Correlation analysis of covariance symmetric matrix and matrix asymmetry containing the coordinates of landmarks after the permutation showed a weak positive correlation coefficient (0.25, p < 0.01). Conclusion. The coefficients of variation of the factors “side”and “side × population” among 6 populations were respectively 48.24% and 44.93% that evidenced on equal variance of both types of asymmetry or slightly increased directional asymmetry. It is noted that the cluster analysis the matrix asymmetry can be used to search genotypic variability.

About the authors

Sergey G Baranov

Vladimir State University (VlSU)

Author for correspondence.
docent, Department of Biological and Geographical Education Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 2. a) 10 pair of landmarks for testing FA; the landmarks represented on a Procrustes fit in symmetric matrix (b) and in matrix of asymmetry (c). Black dots show the landmarks after aliment by superimposition. Symmetric matrix possesses more variance due to variety in lobes and sinuses. Matrix of asymmetry reflects variation of landmarks in left and right sides

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3. Fig. 3. Joint classification tree Procrustes distance of six population groups. On the axis of ordinate — Euclidean distance

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Copyright (c) 2016 Baranov S.G.

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