The molecular basis for construction of highly productive ecologically sustainable agrocenoses

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The methodology is suggested for analyzing the variability and heredity in super-organism genetic systems of different complexity ranging from two-component plant-microbe and animal-microbe symbiosis to the endosymbiotic and soil microbial communities. The approaches based on symbiogenetics and metagenomics may be used for development of highlyproductive ecologically sustainable agrocenoses based on the substitution of agrochemicals (mineral fertilizers, pesticides) by the microbial preparations. A possibility is emphasized to use the natural analogs of agrocenoses for development of models to implement the directed construction and improvement of productivity in the sustainable agricultural systems. 

About the authors

Igor A Tikhonovich

All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Saint-Petersburg, RF

Email: Podbelskiy Ch., 3, Saint-Petersburg, Pushkin-8

Nikolay A Provorov

All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Saint-Petersburg, RF



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Copyright (c) 2011 Tikhonovich I.A., Provorov N.A.

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