General morphogenetic events and regulatory genes expresion in flower development

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The main genetics of development conception is differential genes expression for different types of cells in developed organisms. That is correct for higher plants, too. Otherwise, all the higher plants, in comparing to animals, are characterized by some unique traits. The main of them is a strong cell wall leading to the immobility of organism, so plants chose principally different life strategy, connecting to the adaptation. Sequencing of several plant genomes revealed that there are much more genes involved in plant morphogenesis than in animal are. The main of plant morphogenesis genes are MADS-genes, the place and the level of expression of them define unique features of morphogenesis. Some data confirmed that expression of some transcription factors is under epigenetic control. It means that RNA plays a key role in the regulation of the main genes in development. So, the absence of homeosis gene AP2 expression in inner мутовках of develop flower is a result of active miRNA172 gene expression in that regions. The genetic, molecular and biochemical basis of the action of the MADS domain proteins in the plant life cycle are reviewed here. Moreover, in this reviewer, we focus on examples of signaling and gene regulation, where striking progress has been made in recent years.

About the authors

Ludmila A Lutova

Saint-Petersburg State University., Saint-Petersburg, RF

Email: 199034, Saint-Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab, 7/9. Russia


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