Analysis of ACE, AGTR1, eNOS, MTHFR, MTRR and APOE genes polymorphisms in the population of North-West of Russia

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Estimation of population-specific frequencies of relevant polymorphisms in normal control population remains the major prerequisite of these studies. The polymorphisms of seven genes (ACE, AGTR1, eNOS, MTHFR, MTRR, APOE) associated with some multifactorial diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes) were studied by PCR-RFLP analysis in North-West population of Russia. The group consisted of unrelated individuals of middle age (25-45) (59 men and 58 women). Distribution of relevant polymorphisms frequencies for MTHFR, MTRR, APOE, eNOS and AGTR1 genes was similar in our samples compared to these ones in some and European populations (Spain and Germany). Low frequency of D/D genotype and high frequency of I/I genotype were found in Russian compared to Spain population (D/D - 29,6 and 41%, I/I - 26,1 and 15%, respectively). No significant statistical differences in distribution of ACE polymorphisms were found between Russian and Scotland populations (D/D - 31%, I/I - 20%). This population specific differences for the polymorphisms of some genes and its obvious similarity for the other ones were disclosed

About the authors

Oleg S Glotov

D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology , Saint-Petersburg, RF

Email: 199034, Saint-Petersburg, Mendeleyevskaya line, 3. Russia

Andrey S Glotov

D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology , Saint-Petersburg, RF

Email: 199034, Saint-Petersburg, Mendeleyevskaya line, 3, Russia

Olga A Tarasenko

D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology , Saint-Petersburg, RF


Tatyana E Ivashchenko

D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology , Saint-Petersburg, RF

Email: Mendeleyev Line, 3, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russia

Vladislav S Baranov

D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology , Saint-Petersburg, RF



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Copyright (c) 2004 Glotov O.S., Glotov A.S., Tarasenko O.A., Ivashchenko T.E., Baranov V.S.

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