Morphological and genetic features of cisco (coregonidae: coregonus sp.) from lake Sobachye (Putorana plateau)

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Background. Recently was revealed that cisco from Lake Sobachye (Putorana Plateau) is more similar to Coregonus albula Linnaeuas than C. sardinella Valenciennes according to number of vertebrae [13]. The aim of this work was to investigate molecular genetic features of this population. 

Materials and methods. For morphological analysis were used 60 specimens of cisco from Lake Sobachye. For nine specimens molecular genetic analysis was performed. The sequences of two fragments of the mitochondrial DNA (ND1 and COI) were defined. 

Results. The cisco of the Lake Sobachye significantly differed from riverine cisco of this region by meristic features (namely from cisco of the River Pyasina). Sequencing results showed the minimal divergence of the ND1 and COI sequences of the cisco from Lake Sobachye and vendace. 

Conclusion. Morphological analysis and analysis of the mitochondrial DNA polymorphism of cisco from Lake Sobachye revealed close relationship of this population to C. albula.

About the authors

Elena A. Borovikova

I.D. Papanin Institute for biology of inland water

Author for correspondence.
researcher, Laboratory of Fish Ecology Russian Federation

Vladimir I. Romanov

National Research Tomsk State University

ScD, professor Head of Department. Department of the Ichthyology and Hydrobiology Russian Federation

Julia S. Nikulina

National Research Tomsk State University

assistant. Department of the Ichthyology and Hydrobiology Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. COI sequences of the cisco from Lake Sobachye in median network of ciscoes haplotypes from European, Siberian, and North American water bodies. Network was done with data about 63 ciscoes sequences some of which were taken from NCBI. For analysis the common fragment was used (526 base pair long). Color designates: black — European water bodies; dark gray — Siberian water bodies; white — North American water bodies; bright gray — the cisco from Lake Sobachye. The diameters of the circles correspond to the frequency of the given variant. If number of nucleotide substitution is more than one their number are indicated near the segments between haplotypes. Species names correspond to NCBI sequence annotations

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3. Fig. 2. ND1-fragment sequences of the cisco from Lake Sobachye in median network of haplotypes of ciscoes from European and Siberian water bodies. Network was done with data about 27 ciscoes sequences some of which were taken from NCBI. For analysis the common fragment was used (897 base pair long). Color designates: bright gray — the cisco from Lake Sobachye; black — European water bodies; white — Siberian water bodies. The diameters of the circles correspond to the frequency of the given variant. If number of nucleotide substitutions is more than one their number are indicated near the segments between haplotypes. Ellipse denotes phylogenetic line of the cisco from Lake Sobachye

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4. Table 1 • Meristic features of ciscoes from Lake Sobachye and Pyasina River
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5. Table 2 Intrapopulational polymorphism of two mtDNA fragments of least cisco from Lake Sobachye
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Copyright (c) 2016 Borovikova E.A., Romanov V.I., Nikulina J.S.

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