The genetic structure of populations of specially protected mollusk Cepaea vindobonensis (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) in a north-eastern part of the modern area

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Background. The population structure of relict and protected species Cepaea vindobonensis Fer. (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) in a north-eastern part of the modern area has been studied. State population gene pools (11 populations) for environmental activities need to be assessed. 

Materials and Methods. Using allozymes (esterases) and DNA markers (RAPD, ISSR) analysis was performed. The methods polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the DNA in the agarose gel were used. 

Results. The populations with a low level of heterozygosity and high heterozygosity were identified. Group located in the east, did not differ in allelic diversity of the western groups. The average expected heterozygosity for allozyme He = 0,217 ± 0,080 and DNA markers He = 0,164 ± 0,024. However, the population of the Austrian snail in the study area is strongly separated from each other (Fst = 0,231, Gst = 0,265, Фst = 0,261-0,263, Nm = 0,630-0,832). The effective population size (Ne), calculated on the basis of the inbreeding coefficient, was level 0,868 ± 0,028 of the total population. The effective population size, calculated on the basis of the linear regression equation between genetic and geographic distance (Ne = 0,36-2,6) and calculated by a factor of subdivision of populations (Ne = 6,3 ± 0,1), in comparison with the effective size of the populations of common species of terrestrial mollusks was the same. 

Conclusion. Thus, on the basis of these data, in general, we can say, the Austrian population snails have a higher potential for life. However, the reduction of allelic diversity, the increase in the coefficient of inbreeding in some groups and a high level of isolation of populations of C. vindobonensis in the north-eastern part of the range is a concern and requires an adjustment in respect of environmental protection measures of this species.

About the authors

Eduard A. Snegin

Belgorod national research university

Author for correspondence.
Dr. Biol. Sci., senior lecturer, Head of the Laboratory of Population Genetics and Genetoxicology Russian Federation

Elena A Snegina

Belgorod national research university

Researcher of the Laboratory of Population Genetics and Genetoxicology Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. The collection points of the C. vindobonensis

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3. Fig. 2. RAPD- and ISSR-DNA patterns of the C. vindobonensis

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4. Fig. 3. The dendrogram of genetic distances by Nei [33] (UPGMA) between populations of the C. vindobonensis at allozyme loci (a) and DNA markers (b)

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5. Fig. 4. The linear regression logarithm of gene flow Nm between the populations pairs C. vindobonensis on logarithm geographic distance Dg between them (a — for Allozymes, b — for DNA markers)

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6. Fig. 5. The ratio of expected (Не) and observed heterozygosity (Но) in the populations of C. vindobonensis

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