Biological and social aspects of human sexual orientation: chemocommunicative hypothesis

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Failure to understand the role of biological and social factors in the formation of some socially important traits in humans can lead to the appearance of undue tension in interpersonal relationships. This is due to a distorted perception of man often unreliable information, its ambiguity due to the uncertainty of the terminology used and, as a consequence, the impossibility of its correct analysis. Using of term “sexual orientation” shows as a genetic understanding of the trait’s formation and data on sex formation control mechanisms may clarify and complement our knowledge on the subject. Under the theme chemocommunicative model is considered and its contribution to the formation of “sexual orientation” in humans.

About the authors

Eugene V. Daev

St. Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
PhH, Professor Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The order of processes during the sexual differentiation of multicellular organisms and genetic determination of phenotypic sex differences in humans. The growing influence of social environmental factors after birth, leading to the formation of gender differences in behavior is shown

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3. Fig. 2. A simplified model of human chemical signals participation in the formation of heterosexual orientation (a and b — for women and men, respectively). M and F — male and female chemosignals. Dotted arrows — select chemical signals, which developed numbness. Arrows DDCS observed a dose-dependent release of attractant chemical signals to which no desensitization (marked in gray). The curved arrow — the formation of SO in response to relevant chemosignals

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4. Fig. 3. Variants of SO in the case of violations of the reception of “male” (a) or “female” (b) chemical signals. Blocking reception is shown in bold black lines. HomoSO — homosexual orientation. The rest of the symbols are the same as for Fig. 2

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5. Fig. 4. The mechanism of homosexual interest formation by the recipient in case of abnormal synthesis of sex-specific chemical signals and/or their disturbed excretion by the donor (marked with black crossed lines). The rest of the symbols are the same as for Fig. 2. CS — chemical signals

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