Autonomous variability: phenomenon and possible mechanisms

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The present paper is devoted to autonomous variation. It is shown that such type of variation is determined by entirely stochastic molecular processes. Therefore it can't be reduced to other types of variation that depend on some differences in genetic material, developmental stage or environmental influences. Certain examples of autonomous variation in plants and animals are observed. The possible mechanisms of this variation are discussed.

About the authors

Oleg N Tikhodeyev

Saint-Petersburg State University., Saint-Petersburg, RF


Tatyana V Zhurina

Saint Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, RF


  1. Астауров Б.Л. Исследование наследственного изменения гальтеров у Drosophila melanogaster Schin. II Журн. эксп. биол. Серия А, 1927. -Т. 3, -Вып. 1-2. -С. 1-61.
  2. Астауров Б.Л. Генетика и проблемы индивидуального развития//Онтогенез. -1972. -Т. 3, N 6. -С. 547-565.
  3. Бабков В.В. Московская школа эволюционной генетики//М: Наука, 1985. -216 с.
  4. Беляев Н.К. Экспериментальное исследование изменчивости окраски гусениц Spilosoma lubricipeda Esp. (Arctiidae, Lepidoptera) II Журн. эксп. биол. Серия А. -1926. -Т. 2. -Вып. 4. -С. 157-219,249-251.
  5. Жимулев И.Ф. Общая и молекулярная генетика//Новосибирск: Издательство Новосибирского университета, Сибирское университетское издательство, 2002. -458 с.
  6. Инге-Вечтомов С.Г. Генетика с основами селекции. -М.: Высшая школа, 1989. -592 с.
  7. Инге-Вечтомов С.Г., Миронова Л.Н., Аленин В.В., Борхсениус А.С. Прионы, синтез белка и клеточный цикл//Вестн. СПб ун-та, 1999. Сер. Биология -Вып. 4. -С. 53-71.
  8. Корочкин Л.И. Введение в генетику развития. -М.: Наука. -1999. -253 с.
  9. Лутова Л.А., Проворов Н.А., Тиходеев О.Н., Тихонович И.А., ХоджайоваЛ. Т., Шишкова С.О. Генетика развития растений//СПб.: Наука. -2000. -539 с.
  10. Тимофеев-Ресовский Н.В. О фенотипическом проявлении генотипа. -I. Геновариация radius incompletus у Drosophilajunebris II Журн. эксп. биол. -1925. -Серия А. -Т. 1. -Вып. 3-4. -С. 93-142.
  11. Тиходеев О.Н., Тиходеева М.Ю. Изменчивость цветка в природных популяциях седмичника европейского (Trientalis europaea L.)//Экология. -2001. -N 3. -С. 225-230.
  12. Тихонович И.А., Ходжайова Л.Т. Молекулярно-генетические аспекты взаимодействия растений и микроорганизмов//Вестн. СПб ун-та, 1999. Сер. Биология. -Вып. 4. -С. 43-52.
  13. Филипченко Ю.А. Изменчивость и методы ее изучения. -Л.: Наука, 1929. -260 с.
  14. Шмальгаузен И.И. Факторы эволюции (теория стабилизирующего отбора). -М: Изд-во АН СССР, 1946. -396 с.
  15. Astauroff B.L. Analyse der erblichen Storungsfalle der bilateralen Symmetrie im Zusammenhang mit der selbstandigen Variabilitat anlicher Strukturen//Ztschr. f. inductive Abstammungs und Verebungslehre, 1930. -Bd. 55. -Heft 3. -S. 183-262.
  16. Ayala F.J. & Kiger J.A. Jr. Modern Genetics. Second edition//London, Amsterdam, Ontario, Sydney: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1984.
  17. Blake W.J., KaernM., CantorC.R., Collins J.J. Noise in eukaryotic gene expression//Nature. -2003. -Vol. 422, N 6932. -P. 633-637.
  18. Bradshaw A.D. Evolutionary significance of phenotypic plasticity in plants//Adv. Genet. -1965. -Vol. 13-P. 115-155.
  19. Callahan H.S., Pigliucci M. & Schlichting CD. Developmental phenotypic plasticity: where ecology and evolution meet molecular biology//BioEssays, 1997. -Vol. 19, N 6. -P. 519-525.
  20. Charlier С V.L. A statistical description of Trientalis europaea//Arkiv Bot. -1913. -Vol. 12, N 14. -P. 1-28.
  21. Chen Z.J. & PikaardCS. Epigenetic silencing of RNA polymerase I transcription: A role for DNA methylation and histone modification in nucleolar dominance//Gen. Dev. -1997. -Vol. 11, N 16. -P. 2124-2136.
  22. CookS.A. & Johnson M.P. Adaptation to heterogenous environments. I. Variation in heterophylly in Ranunculus flammula L.//Evolution. -1968. -Vol. 22, N 3. -P. 496-516.
  23. Ehrlich M. Expression of various genes is controlled by DNA methylation during mammalian development//J. Cell. Biochem. -2003. -Vol. 88, N 5. -P. 899-910.
  24. Elowitz M.B., Levine A.J., Siggia E.D. & Swain P.S. Stochastic gene expression in a single cell//Science. -2002. -Vol. 297, N 5584. -P. 1183-1186.
  25. Fisher R.A. The possible modifications of the response of the wild type to recurrent mutations//Am. Nat. -1928. -Vol. 62. -P. 115-126.
  26. Funkhauser C & ChoryJ. Light control in plant development//Ann. Rev. Cell. Dev. Bio. -1997. -Vol. 13. -P. 203-229.
  27. Gibson G. & Wagner G. Canalization in evolutionary genetics: a stabilizing theory?//BioAssays. -2000. -Vol. 22, N 4. -P. 372-380.
  28. Gilbert S.F. Developmental Biology, 6th Edition//Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, Inc. -2000. -695 p.
  29. Griffits A.J.F, Miller J.H., Suzuki D.T., LewontinR.C & Gelbart W.M. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. Fifth edition. -New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. -1993. -840 p.
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  31. Harvell C.D. The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses//Q. Rev. Biol. -1990. -Vol. 65. -P. 323-340.
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  33. Huang H. & Ma H. FON1, an arabidopsis gene that terminates floral meristem activity and controls flower organ number//The Plant Cell. -1997. -Vol. 9, N 2. -P. 115-134.
  34. Hume D. Probability in transcriptional regulation and its implication for leukocyte differentiation and inducible gene expression//Blood. -2000. -Vol. 96, N 7. -P. 2323-2328.
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  36. Ко М. Induction mechanism of a single gene molecule//BioEssays. -1992. -Vol. 14, N 5. -P. 341-346.
  37. KronhamnJ., FreiE., DaubeM., JiaoR., Shi Y, NollM. & Rasmuson-Lestander A. Headless flies produced by mutations in the paralogous Рахб genes eyeless and twin of eyeless//Development. -2002. -Vol. 129, N4. -P. 1015-1026.
  38. Lee J.C. & Peter M.E. Regulation of apoptosis by ubiquitination//Immunol. Rev. -2003. -Vol. 193. -P. 39-47.
  39. Leyser H.M.O. & Furner I.J. Characterization of three shoot apical meristem mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana//Development. -1992. -Vol. 116, N2.-P. 397-403.
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  42. Matthews J.R. andRogerJ.G. Variation in Trientalis europaea Linn.//J. Bot. -1941. -Vol. 79. -P. 80-83.
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  44. Paldi A. Stochastic gene expression during cell differentiation: order from disorder?//Cell Mol. Life Sci. -2003. -Vol. 60, N 9. -P. 1775-1778.
  45. Palauqui J.C, Elmayan Т., De Borne F.D., Crete P., Charles C, VaucheretH. Frequencies, timing, and spatial patterns of co-suppression of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase in transgenic tobacco plants//Plant Physiol. -1996. -Vol. 112, N 4. -P. 1447-1456.
  46. Petersen N.S. Effects of heat and chemical stress on development//Adv. Genet. -1990. -Vol. 28. -P. 275-296.
  47. Plunkett C.R. The interaction of genetic and environmental factors in development//J. Exper. Zool-1926. -Vol. 46, N2. -P. 181-244.
  48. Pratt W.B. The hsp90-based chaperone system: involvement in signal transduction from a variety of hormone and growth factor receptors//Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. -1998. -Vol. 217, N 4. -P. 420-434.
  49. Queitsch C, Songster ТА. & LindquistS. Hsp90 as a capacitor of phenotypic variation//Nature. -2002. -Vol. 417, N 6889. -P. 618-24.
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  51. RoeS.M., Prodromou C, O'Brien R., LadburyJ.E., Piper P.W. & Pearl L.H. Structural basis for inhibition of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone by the antitumor antibiotics radicicol and geldanomycin//J. Med. Chem. -1999. -Vol. 42,N2.-P. 260-266.
  52. Running MP, Fletcher J.C. & MeyerowitzE.M. The WIGGUM gene is required for proper regulation of floral meristem size in Arabidopsis//Development. -1998. -Vol. 125, N 14. -P. 2545-2553.
  53. RutherfordS.L. & Lindquist S. Hsp90 as a capacitor for morphological evolution//Nature. -1998. -Vol. 396, N 6709. -P. 336-342.
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  55. Scroggins B.T., Prince T, ShaoJ, Uma S, Huang W., Guo Y, YunB.G., Hedman K., Matts R.L. & Hartson S.D. High affinity binding of Hsp90 is triggered by multiple discrete segments of its kinase clients//Biochemistry. -2003. -Vol. 42, N 43. -P. 12550-12561. 31.
  56. Soltars V, Lu X., Xiao 1., Wang X., Garfmkel M.D. & Ruden DM. Evidence for an epigenetic mechanism by which Hsp90 acts as a capacitor for morphological evolution//Nature Genet. -2003. -Vol. 33, N 1. -P. 70-74.
  57. Tikhodeyev O.N. & Tikhodeyeva M.Y. Flower development in Trientalis europaea L.: The possible role of environment and stochastic events//Wulfenia. -2002. -Vol. 9. -P. 77-87.
  58. Tikhodeyev O.N., Neustroeva M.A. & Tikhodeyeva M.Y. (+1) and (-1) deviations in development of floral meristems in Trientalis europaea L.//Wulfenia. -2003. -Vol. 10. -P. 103-114.
  59. Timofeeff-Ressovsky N. W. Studies on the phenotype manifestation of hereditary factors. I. On the phenotypie manifestation of the genova-riation radius incompletus in Drosophila funebris//Genetics. -1927-Vol. 12. -P. 128-198.
  60. Via S., Comulkiewic: R, de Jong G., Schemer S.M., Schlichting CD. & van TienderenRH. Adaptive phenotypie plasticity: consensus and controversy//Trends Ecol.Evol. -1995.-Vol. 10.N5. -P. 212-217.
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  68. Астауров Б.Л. Исследование наследственного изменения гальтеров у Drosophila melanogaster Schin. II Журн. эксп. биол. Серия А, 1927. -Т. 3, -Вып. 1-2. -С. 1-61.
  69. Астауров Б.Л. Генетика и проблемы индивидуального развития//Онтогенез. -1972. -Т. 3, N 6. -С. 547-565.
  70. Бабков В.В. Московская школа эволюционной генетики//М: Наука, 1985. -216 с.
  71. Беляев Н.К. Экспериментальное исследование изменчивости окраски гусениц Spilosoma lubricipeda Esp. (Arctiidae, Lepidoptera) II Журн. эксп. биол. Серия А. -1926. -Т. 2. -Вып. 4. -С. 157-219,249-251.
  72. Жимулев И.Ф. Общая и молекулярная генетика//Новосибирск: Издательство Новосибирского университета, Сибирское университетское издательство, 2002. -458 с.
  73. Инге-Вечтомов С.Г. Генетика с основами селекции. -М.: Высшая школа, 1989. -592 с.
  74. Инге-Вечтомов С.Г., Миронова Л.Н., Аленин В.В., Борхсениус А.С. Прионы, синтез белка и клеточный цикл//Вестн. СПб ун-та, 1999. Сер. Биология -Вып. 4. -С. 53-71.
  75. Корочкин Л.И. Введение в генетику развития. -М.: Наука. -1999. -253 с.
  76. Лутова Л.А., Проворов Н.А., Тиходеев О.Н., Тихонович И.А., ХоджайоваЛ. Т., Шишкова С.О. Генетика развития растений//СПб.: Наука. -2000. -539 с.
  77. Тимофеев-Ресовский Н.В. О фенотипическом проявлении генотипа. -I. Геновариация radius incompletus у Drosophilajunebris II Журн. эксп. биол. -1925. -Серия А. -Т. 1. -Вып. 3-4. -С. 93-142.
  78. Тиходеев О.Н., Тиходеева М.Ю. Изменчивость цветка в природных популяциях седмичника европейского (Trientalis europaea L.)//Экология. -2001. -N 3. -С. 225-230.
  79. Тихонович И.А., Ходжайова Л.Т. Молекулярно-генетические аспекты взаимодействия растений и микроорганизмов//Вестн. СПб ун-та, 1999. Сер. Биология. -Вып. 4. -С. 43-52.
  80. Филипченко Ю.А. Изменчивость и методы ее изучения. -Л.: Наука, 1929. -260 с.
  81. Шмальгаузен И.И. Факторы эволюции (теория стабилизирующего отбора). -М: Изд-во АН СССР, 1946. -396 с.
  82. Astauroff B.L. Analyse der erblichen Storungsfalle der bilateralen Symmetrie im Zusammenhang mit der selbstandigen Variabilitat anlicher Strukturen//Ztschr. f. inductive Abstammungs und Verebungslehre, 1930. -Bd. 55. -Heft 3. -S. 183-262.
  83. Ayala F.J. & Kiger J.A. Jr. Modern Genetics. Second edition//London, Amsterdam, Ontario, Sydney: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1984.
  84. Blake W.J., KaernM., CantorC.R., Collins J.J. Noise in eukaryotic gene expression//Nature. -2003. -Vol. 422, N 6932. -P. 633-637.
  85. Bradshaw A.D. Evolutionary significance of phenotypic plasticity in plants//Adv. Genet. -1965. -Vol. 13-P. 115-155.
  86. Callahan H.S., Pigliucci M. & Schlichting CD. Developmental phenotypic plasticity: where ecology and evolution meet molecular biology//BioEssays, 1997. -Vol. 19, N 6. -P. 519-525.
  87. Charlier С V.L. A statistical description of Trientalis europaea//Arkiv Bot. -1913. -Vol. 12, N 14. -P. 1-28.
  88. Chen Z.J. & PikaardCS. Epigenetic silencing of RNA polymerase I transcription: A role for DNA methylation and histone modification in nucleolar dominance//Gen. Dev. -1997. -Vol. 11, N 16. -P. 2124-2136.
  89. CookS.A. & Johnson M.P. Adaptation to heterogenous environments. I. Variation in heterophylly in Ranunculus flammula L.//Evolution. -1968. -Vol. 22, N 3. -P. 496-516.
  90. Ehrlich M. Expression of various genes is controlled by DNA methylation during mammalian development//J. Cell. Biochem. -2003. -Vol. 88, N 5. -P. 899-910.
  91. Elowitz M.B., Levine A.J., Siggia E.D. & Swain P.S. Stochastic gene expression in a single cell//Science. -2002. -Vol. 297, N 5584. -P. 1183-1186.
  92. Fisher R.A. The possible modifications of the response of the wild type to recurrent mutations//Am. Nat. -1928. -Vol. 62. -P. 115-126.
  93. Funkhauser C & ChoryJ. Light control in plant development//Ann. Rev. Cell. Dev. Bio. -1997. -Vol. 13. -P. 203-229.
  94. Gibson G. & Wagner G. Canalization in evolutionary genetics: a stabilizing theory?//BioAssays. -2000. -Vol. 22, N 4. -P. 372-380.
  95. Gilbert S.F. Developmental Biology, 6th Edition//Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, Inc. -2000. -695 p.
  96. Griffits A.J.F, Miller J.H., Suzuki D.T., LewontinR.C & Gelbart W.M. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. Fifth edition. -New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. -1993. -840 p.
  97. Harrington R. W Jr. 1968. Delimitation of the thermolabile phenocritical period of sex determination and sex differentiation in the ontogeny of the normally hermaphroditic fish Rivulus marmoratus//Physiol. Zool. -1968. -Vol. 41. -P. 447-460.
  98. Harvell C.D. The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses//Q. Rev. Biol. -1990. -Vol. 65. -P. 323-340.
  99. Hiirsalmi H. Trientalis europaea L. A study of the reproduction biology, ecology and variation in Finland//Annals Botanici Fenni-ci.-1969, -Vol. 6, N2-P. 119-173.
  100. Huang H. & Ma H. FON1, an arabidopsis gene that terminates floral meristem activity and controls flower organ number//The Plant Cell. -1997. -Vol. 9, N 2. -P. 115-134.
  101. Hume D. Probability in transcriptional regulation and its implication for leukocyte differentiation and inducible gene expression//Blood. -2000. -Vol. 96, N 7. -P. 2323-2328.
  102. Kakutani Т., ManukataK., Richards E.J. andHirochika H. Meiotically and mitotically stable inheritance of DNA hypomethylation induced by ddml mutations of Arabidopsis thaliana//Genetics. -1999. -Vol. 151, N2. -P. 831-838.
  103. Ко М. Induction mechanism of a single gene molecule//BioEssays. -1992. -Vol. 14, N 5. -P. 341-346.
  104. KronhamnJ., FreiE., DaubeM., JiaoR., Shi Y, NollM. & Rasmuson-Lestander A. Headless flies produced by mutations in the paralogous Рахб genes eyeless and twin of eyeless//Development. -2002. -Vol. 129, N4. -P. 1015-1026.
  105. Lee J.C. & Peter M.E. Regulation of apoptosis by ubiquitination//Immunol. Rev. -2003. -Vol. 193. -P. 39-47.
  106. Leyser H.M.O. & Furner I.J. Characterization of three shoot apical meristem mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana//Development. -1992. -Vol. 116, N2.-P. 397-403.
  107. Lulz F.E. Experiments with Drosophila ampelophila concerning evolution//Garnegie Inst. Publ. -1911. -N 143. -P. 1-35.
  108. McAdams H.H. & Arkin A. Stochastic mechanisms in gene expression//Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. -1997. -Vol. 94, N 3. -P. 814-819.
  109. Matthews J.R. andRogerJ.G. Variation in Trientalis europaea Linn.//J. Bot. -1941. -Vol. 79. -P. 80-83.
  110. Nijhout H.F Development and evolution of adaptive polyphenisms//Evol. Dev. -2003. -Vol. 5,N 1-P. 9-18.
  111. Paldi A. Stochastic gene expression during cell differentiation: order from disorder?//Cell Mol. Life Sci. -2003. -Vol. 60, N 9. -P. 1775-1778.
  112. Palauqui J.C, Elmayan Т., De Borne F.D., Crete P., Charles C, VaucheretH. Frequencies, timing, and spatial patterns of co-suppression of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase in transgenic tobacco plants//Plant Physiol. -1996. -Vol. 112, N 4. -P. 1447-1456.
  113. Petersen N.S. Effects of heat and chemical stress on development//Adv. Genet. -1990. -Vol. 28. -P. 275-296.
  114. Plunkett C.R. The interaction of genetic and environmental factors in development//J. Exper. Zool-1926. -Vol. 46, N2. -P. 181-244.
  115. Pratt W.B. The hsp90-based chaperone system: involvement in signal transduction from a variety of hormone and growth factor receptors//Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. -1998. -Vol. 217, N 4. -P. 420-434.
  116. Queitsch C, Songster ТА. & LindquistS. Hsp90 as a capacitor of phenotypic variation//Nature. -2002. -Vol. 417, N 6889. -P. 618-24.
  117. Richer K. & Buchner J. Hsp90: chaperoning signal transduction//J. Cell Physiol. -2001. -Vol. 188, N 3. -P. 281-290.
  118. RoeS.M., Prodromou C, O'Brien R., LadburyJ.E., Piper P.W. & Pearl L.H. Structural basis for inhibition of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone by the antitumor antibiotics radicicol and geldanomycin//J. Med. Chem. -1999. -Vol. 42,N2.-P. 260-266.
  119. Running MP, Fletcher J.C. & MeyerowitzE.M. The WIGGUM gene is required for proper regulation of floral meristem size in Arabidopsis//Development. -1998. -Vol. 125, N 14. -P. 2545-2553.
  120. RutherfordS.L. & Lindquist S. Hsp90 as a capacitor for morphological evolution//Nature. -1998. -Vol. 396, N 6709. -P. 336-342.
  121. Scharloo W. Canalization: genetic and developmental aspects//Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. -1991. -Vol. 22. -P. 65-93.
  122. Scroggins B.T., Prince T, ShaoJ, Uma S, Huang W., Guo Y, YunB.G., Hedman K., Matts R.L. & Hartson S.D. High affinity binding of Hsp90 is triggered by multiple discrete segments of its kinase clients//Biochemistry. -2003. -Vol. 42, N 43. -P. 12550-12561. 31.
  123. Soltars V, Lu X., Xiao 1., Wang X., Garfmkel M.D. & Ruden DM. Evidence for an epigenetic mechanism by which Hsp90 acts as a capacitor for morphological evolution//Nature Genet. -2003. -Vol. 33, N 1. -P. 70-74.
  124. Tikhodeyev O.N. & Tikhodeyeva M.Y. Flower development in Trientalis europaea L.: The possible role of environment and stochastic events//Wulfenia. -2002. -Vol. 9. -P. 77-87.
  125. Tikhodeyev O.N., Neustroeva M.A. & Tikhodeyeva M.Y. (+1) and (-1) deviations in development of floral meristems in Trientalis europaea L.//Wulfenia. -2003. -Vol. 10. -P. 103-114.
  126. Timofeeff-Ressovsky N. W. Studies on the phenotype manifestation of hereditary factors. I. On the phenotypie manifestation of the genova-riation radius incompletus in Drosophila funebris//Genetics. -1927-Vol. 12. -P. 128-198.
  127. Via S., Comulkiewic: R, de Jong G., Schemer S.M., Schlichting CD. & van TienderenRH. Adaptive phenotypie plasticity: consensus and controversy//Trends Ecol.Evol. -1995.-Vol. 10.N5. -P. 212-217.
  128. Waddington С. Canalization of development and the inheritance of acquired characters//Nature. -1942. -Vol. 396. -P. 336-342.
  129. Waddington С. The Strategy of the Genes: A Discussion of Some Aspects of Theoretical Biology//New York: MacMillan. -1957. -262 p.
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