Epigenes — overgenes level hereditary units

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The theoretical and experimental aspects concept of epigenes are considered. In epigenes part of the heritable information is preserved, coded and trasmitted in generations out of the primary structure of genomic DNA. The behaviour under crosses simples modelic epigenes is demonstrated. The variants of molecular-genetics mechanisms of epigenes and original results of experimental construction artificials epigenes by methods gene-engenering are presented. The ontogenetic and phylogenetic roles of epigene systems are discussed. It has been shown, that even simplest epigene systems can provide key events of ontogeny. The epigenes systems can provide non-Darwinian evolutionary strategy by means of “remember” relatively unsuccesful muves of evolution and preservation reserved variants of ontogeny.

About the authors

Rustem N Tchuraev

Institute of Biology of Ufa Research Scientific Center RAS, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostanб RF

Email: tchuraev@anrb.ru


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