Evaluation of mutagenic activity of the pesticides: actara, sencor, mospilan, pencozeb, fastac in the Ames test

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The mutagenic activity of five pesticides actara, sencor, mospilan, pencozeb, fastac widely used for treatment of potato plant lands in Tatarstan was tested in the Ames test. The non toxic concentrations of the pesticides determined in preliminary cytotoxicty test were used in the Ames assay. Pesticides actara, mospilan, pencozeb, fastac did not show mutagenic effect in Salmonella typhimurium TA 100 without rat liver S9 fraction. The weak mutagenic effect of herbicide sencor was established at concentration 1 ug/plate. Metabolic activation in vitro using rat liver S9 fraction decreased the mutagenic activity of sencor and did not alter the mutagenicity rate of the pesticides actara, mospilan, pencozeb and fastac.

About the authors

Nazira S Karamova

Kazan University, Kazan, Tatarstan Republic, Russia

Email: nskaramova@mail.ru

Alexandra P Denisova

Kazan University, Kazan, Tatarstan Republic, RF

Email: alex-andrina@rambler.ru

Zenon Stasevski

Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture, Kazan, Tatarstan Republic, RF

Email: zenons@bk.ru


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Copyright (c) 2008 Karamova N.S., Denisova A.P., Stasevski Z.

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