Molecular phylogenetic study of the genus Colpodium sensu lato (Poaceae: Poeae)

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To study the relatives of two grasses carrying an unusual 2-chromosome genome, Zingeria biebersteiniana and Colpodium versicolor, we have studied the phylogeny relationships of Colpodium sensu lato species and some other grasses by analysis of ITS1 and ITS2 of nuclear rDNA. Z. biebersteiniana (2n = 4, x = 2), Z. trichopoda (2n = 8, x = 2), and C. versicolor (2n = 4, x = 2) form a well supported clade with a single species of Colpodium s. l. complex,Catabrosella araratica (2n = 42, x = 7). All other Colpodium s.l. complex species form another well supported group [{Catabrosella variegata (2n = 10, x = 5), C. subornata (2 n= ?)} Hyalopoa pontica (2n = 28, x = 7), Paracolpodium altaicum (2n = 42, x = 7){Hyalopoa lanatiflora (2n = 28, x = 7), Catabrosa capusii (2n = 20, x = 5), C. aquatica (2n = 20, x = 5)}]. This clade is sister to group [{Puccinelia distans (2n = 42, x = 7), Sclerochloa dura (2n = 14,x = 7)}, Phippsia concinna (2n = 28, x = 7)]. 

About the authors

Alexander V Rodionov

V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Saint-Petersburg, RF


Elena S Kim

V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Saint-Petersburg, RF


Nikolay N Nosov

V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Saint-Petersburg, RF


Mikhail P Raiko

V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Saint-Petersburg, RF


Eduard M Machs

V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Saint-Petersburg, RF

Email: Professora Popova st., 2., St.Petersburg, 197376, Russia

Elisaveta O Punina

V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Saint-Petersburg, RF



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Copyright (c) 2008 Rodionov A.V., Kim E.S., Nosov N.N., Raiko M.P., Machs E.M., Punina E.O.

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