Simulation of legume-rhizobia symbiosis evolution under the multi-strain competition of bacteria for inoculation of symbiotic habitats

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The model is suggested for evolution of N2-fixing legume-rhizobia symbiosis implemented under the conditions of multi-strain bacteria competition for inoculation of symbiotic habitats (rhizosphere, nodules). Competitiveness of each strain is characterized by the power coefficients which reflect the operation of frequency-dependent selection in the rhizobia population. When polymorphic bacteria populations are interacting with the dimorphic plant population, the selective pressures in favor of hostspecific symbionts (forming N2-fixing nodules only with one of the available plant genotypes) are higher than the pressures in favor of non-host-specific symbionts (forming these nodules with both plant genotypes). The highest mutualism efficiency is reached under an intermediate level of plant population diversity.

About the authors

Nikolay I Vorobyov

All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Saint-Petersburg, RF


Nikolay A Provorov

All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Saint-Petersburg, RF



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Copyright (c) 2008 Vorobyov N.I., Provorov N.A.

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