Ecological genetics and predictive medicine

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The review highlights present state and some future perspectives of new but quickly expanding area of predictive medicine. Its basic background dealing with molecular testing of genetic polymorphisms as well as its practical and theoretical implications are discussed. Original data concerning the involvement of the genes participating in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of detoxification systems as well as of the genes controlling mineral bone density in the origin, progression and treatment efficiency of some common multifactorial diseases such as endometriosis, bronchial asthma, alcoholic cirrhosis, habitual miscarriages, gestosis, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and osteoporosis are briefly outlined. Of special theoretical and practical value of these studies is an identification of highly nonrandom association of particular functionally inferior alleles of the genes belonging to glutathione-S-transferase super-gene family (GSTM1 (0), GSTT1 (0), GSTPi (s) as well as N-acetyl transferase - NAT-2 (s) with some of these diseases. Molecular testing of the relevant alleles might be recommended as feasible predictive test for personal predisposition evaluation, for estimation of remote prognosis and for the treatment strategy in at least some of these diseases. Early identification of these individuals by means of genetic screening supplemented with subsequent adequate social and medical care should be considered as feasible social program for efficient prevention of these diseases at the national level. Relying on these data as well as on the polymorphism studies and common mutation identification of other genes the idea of Genetic Form for the Pregnant Women is suggested and briefly discussed.

About the authors

Vladislav S Baranov

D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology , Saint-Petersburg, RF



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Copyright (c) 2003 Baranov V.S.

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