Thermophilic aerobic organoheterotrophic soil bacteria from anthropogenically changed territories of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region

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Anthropogenically altered soils of Saint Petersburg and Luga (Leningrad Region) were investigated for the presence of thermophilic aerobic chemoorganoheterotrophic bacteria, potentially capable of decomposing hydrocarbons at elevated temperatures (60°C). 6 strains of pure spore-forming cultures of bacteria were isolated. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA genes showed that they belong to the genera Geobacillus and Aeribacillus. For the first time, we obtained information on the presence of representatives of the genus Aeribacillus, which are typical inhabitants of hot springs and zones with geothermal activity, in the soils of the regions of Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

About the authors

Anna S. Zhuravleva

Agrophysical Research Institute

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7204-9653

junior researcher, PhD student

Russian Federation, 14 Grazhdanskiy pr., Saint Petersburg, 195220

Elena N. Volkova

Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Higher School of Technology and Energy

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7429-4046

Dr. Sci. (Agriculture), Professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Alexander S. Galushko

Agrophysical Research Institute

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0387-7997

PhD, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Leading Researcher

Russian Federation, 14 Grazhdanskiy pr., Saint Petersburg, 195220


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. General view of cells and spores: a – L1, b – L2-1, c – L2-2, d – L2-3, e – K2-2, f – K6

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3. Fig. 2. Growth curve of a bacterial culture K2-2 in a liquid VD medium with sodium acetate and without an organic substrate for 2.5 days. OD, optical density of the culture

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4. Fig. 3. Curve of the change in the optical density of the bacterial culture K6 in VD medium with sodium acetate and without an organic substrate for 2.5 days. OD, optical density of the culture

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5. Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree of closely related strains obtained by applying the neighbor-join and BioNJ algorithms to the matrix of pairwise distances [50–54]. Branch length is presented to scale and is measured by the number of nucleotide substitutions per site

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