DNA damage in placenta and embryos of rats exposed to peat smoke; antigenotoxic effects of afobazole

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Background. It was shown that prenatal exposure to peat smoke leads to disturbances of fetal and postnatal development in rats. Genotoxic mechanisms may be involved to these deleterious effects. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the DNA damage and its modification by known antimutagen afobazole in placenta and embryo of rats, exposed to peat smoke. Materials and methods. Pregnant rats were exposed to filtered air (control), to peat smoke or to peat smoke with receiving of afobazole (1 or 10 mg/kg, per os) for 44 min, daily during days 1 to 13 of gestation. At the day 13 four placenta and embryo samples from each rat were obtained for DNA damage analysis using the alkaline comet assay. Results. A significant, 4-5 folds increase in the DNA damage values (% DNA in tail) was found in placenta and embryos of rats exposed to peat smoke. Genotoxic effects were generally more pronounced in placenta. Exposure to peat smoke together with receiving of afobazole at the doses 1 and 10 mg/kg showed a significant, 53-60 % decrease in the mean % DNA in tail values in both placenta and embryos. Clear inter and intra-individual differences in genotoxic as well as in antigenotoxic effects were observed. For the some placenta or embryo samples were seen reducing of DNA damage to the control level. Conclusion. Exposure of pregnant rats to peat smoke causes DNA damage in placenta and embryos. This smoke-induced genotoxicity might be decreased or prevented by antimutagenic agents.

About the authors

Dinara M Gorbatova

Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: pharmacevt07@mail.ru
Researcher, Laboratory of Drug Toxicology, a group of reproductive toxicity

Aliy K Zhanataev

Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: pharmacol@yandex.ru
Leading Researcher, Ph.D, Laboratory of Pharmacology and mutagenesis

Helena P Nemova

Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: nemova_elena@mail.ru
senior researcher, PhD, Laboratory of Drug Toxicology, a group of reproductive toxicity

Andrey D Durnev

Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: food2003@yandex.ru
Corresponding Member. Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Laboratory of Pharmacology and mutagenesis; Laboratory of Drug Toxicology, a group of reproductive toxicity


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. DNA comet images of head cells of embryo from rat exposed to peat smoke (a) and control rat (b)

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3. Fig. 2. Individual values of DNA damage in placentas and embryos from rats exposed to peat smoke (a) and rat receiving upon peat smoke exposure the Afobazole at the doses 1 mg/kg (b) and 10 mg/kg (c). (1-4), (5-8) etc. – placenta/embryo pair samples from individual animal

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4. Table. DNA damage and its modification by afobazole in placenta and embryos from rats exposed to peat smoke
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Copyright (c) 2016 Gorbatova D.M., Zhanataev A.K., Nemova H.P., Durnev A.D.

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