On the photoperiodic induction of diapause in first generation hybrids of Harmonia Axyridis (PALL.) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)

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Background. Diapause is an important component of insect life cycle which ensures synchronization of reproduction and development with local seasonal climate. Genetic bases of this synchronization are particularly important for the analysis of biological invasions. Materials and methods. We investigated photoperiodic induction of diapause in hybrids between two populations of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas): autochthonous population from Irkutsk (Siberia) which shows a strong induction of diapause by short days and invasive population from Sochi (the Caucasus) which exhibits very weak photoperiodic induction of diapause. Results. Reciprocal crosses showed that the strong photoperiodic induction of diapause is dominant and the effects of male and female genotypes on progeny phenotype are equal.

About the authors

Sergey Ya Reznik

Zoological Institute RAS

Email: reznik1952@mail.ru
Head of Laboratory of Experimental Entomology

Andrey N Ovchinnikov

Zoological Institute RAS

Email: Andrey.Ovchinnikov@zin.ru
Researcher, Laboratory of Experimental Entomology

Antonina A Ovchinnikova

Zoological Institute RAS

Email: enoty@mail.ru
Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Experimental Entomology

Natalia A Belyakova

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection

Email: belyakovana@yandex.ru
Head of Laboratory of Biological Control

Larisa V Barabanova

St Petersburg State University

Email: lbarabanova@mail.ru
Associate Professor, Department of Genetics & Biotechnology


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Table 1The proportion of F1 females that entered diapause under the short day conditions in the progeny of different crosses between individuals from the invasive (Sochi) and native (Irkutsk) populations of Harmonia axyridis.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Reznik S.Y., Ovchinnikov A.N., Ovchinnikova A.A., Belyakova N.A., Barabanova L.V.

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