Genesis of the karelian birch. an ecogenetic hypothesis

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Relying on the analysis of data from the literature and own findings the authors develop and specify the previously postulated ecological-genetic hypothesis of the curly birch origins, which is based on the concept of interactions between specific natural-climatic factors and conditions in the north-western continental Europe during so-called Little Ice Age (LIA), the high genetic polymorphism, and the adaptive nature of many anatomical-morphological traits and physiological-biochemical characteristics of the representatives of the genus Betula L. growing in the area. The various facts and observations in favour of the ecological-genetic hypothesis of the origins of curly birch are reported.

About the authors

Lidya V Vetchinnikova

Forest Research Institute of Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences

Head in the Laboratory. Laboratory for Forest Biotechnology

Alexander F Titov

Forest Research Institute of Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences

Head in the Laboratory. Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Table 1. Climate-chronological sequence of Holocene vegetation dynamics in southern Karelia (after Elina and Filimonova 2007)
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3. Table 2. Ratios of anatomical elements in the wood of silver birch and Karelian birch (after Lyubavskaya 1978)
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4. Fig. 1. The main potential causes and factors for the genesis of Karelian birch (Vetchinnikova et al., 2013)

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5. Fig. 2. Climatic and dendrochronological reconstructions of deviations from long-term means of summer temperature (after: Lamb, 1977; Tkachuk, 1983) (A), solar activity (after: Eddy, 1976; Delaygue and Bard, 2011) (B) and fire dynamics (after: Drobyshev et al., 2015) (C) in the period 1000–1900

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6. Fig. 3. Frequency of occurrence of individual chloroplast DNA haplotypes in absolute (A) and relative (B) units in different species of birch from different countries in the European part of the distribution range. Circle diameters (C) are roughly proportionate to haplotype frequency (after: Palmé et al., 2004)

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7. Fig. 4. Outward appearance of swellings at lateral shoot base in Karelian birch (A), their debarked wood surface in plants aged: 2 years (B), 5 years (C), 10 years (D), and wood in the longitudinal section (E) demonstrating the dynamics of figured wood formation in the trunk and, usually, its absence in branches (Vetchinnikova et al., 2013)

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8. Fig. 5. Outward appearance of downy birch (recipient) trunk in the year of collar-type transplantation of Karelian birch (donor) bark tissues (A) and 9 years later (B), as well as donor wood texture in sections across the centre (I) of the transplant zone (pointed out by a bracket) and its alteration (II, III) towards the wood of the recipient (IV). Arrows point to the area where the transplant ends meet (Vetchinnikova et al., 2013)

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