Epistatic interaction of resistance genes to acaricides in interline hybrids of two-spotted spider mite

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Background. Study of the genetic bases of pesticide resistance of arthropods for sustainable rational pest control is important. Materials and methods. The disruptive selection cycles were conducted with inbred arrhenotokous reproduction of two-spotted spider mites Tetranychus urticae Koch. The resistant and susceptible lines of two-spotted spider mites to malathion, bifenthrin, abamectin and bromopropylate were obtained. The tests were performed by diagnostic concentrations of toxicants. Results. The resistant spider mites to malathion were crossed with resistant spider mites to bifenthrin, abamectin and bromopropylate. Mortality of interline hybrids in all variants of crosses were 2 times higher than mortality of spider mites with the gene resistance only to the current toxicant. Conclusion. The interaction of resistance genes to various toxic compounds in interline hybrids of spider mites is the type of epistasis. The resistance gene to the current pesticide in heterogeneous spider mites is hypostatic.

About the authors

Oleg V Sundukov

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection (FSBSI VIZR)

Email: Sunduckov.oleg@yandex.ru
PhD, Senior scientist, Laboratory ecotoxicology

Irina A Tulaeva

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection (FSBSI VIZR)

Email: zubanov63@yandex.ru
PhD, scientist, Laboratory ecotoxicology

Evgeniy A Zubanov

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection (FSBSI VIZR)

Email: zubanov63@yandex.ru
scientist, Laboratory ecotoxicology


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Copyright (c) 2016 Sundukov O.V., Tulaeva I.A., Zubanov E.A.

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