Ni hyperaccumulators among North Caucasian plant species of the tribe Alysseae, Brassicaceae

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Background. Heavy metals are dangerous industrial pollutants. Phytoremediation technology is a promising way to detoxificate polluted territories. Heavy metals hyperaccumulating plants present the base for development of these technologies. Many hyperaccumulators belong to the family Brassicaceae (mostly to the Alysseae tribe). Results. Analysis of molecular phylogeny and distribution of hyperaccumulation ability within the tribe Alysseae has been performed using sequences of the ITS1-5.8S rDNA-ITS2 region. Neighbor-joining tree has been reconstructed to investigate affinity within Alysseae species. For the first time molecular characters (variable region of the ITS2 structures and compensatory nucleotide substitutions availability) have been used to analyze phylogenetic structure of the tribe. Conclusion. Most of the known hyperaccumulators among species of the Alysseae tribe belong to the Odontarrhena section. ITS2 primary and secondary structure analysis results in the partition of the tribe Alysseae into five clades.

About the authors

Larisa Yur'evna Terent'eva

Komarov Botanical institute, RAS

Graduate student. Laboratory of Biosystematics and plant cytology

Elena Evgen'evna Krapivskaya

Komarov Botanical institute, RAS

Leading Engineer. Laboratory of Biosystematics and plant cytology

Eduard Modrisovich Machs

Komarov Botanical institute, RAS

Senior researcher (PhD). Laboratory of Biosystematics and plant cytology

Aleksandr Vikent'evich Rodionov

Komarov Botanical institute, RAS

Professor (Dr.Biol.), Head of the Laboratory of Biosystematics and plant cytology


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Copyright (c) 2014 Terent'eva L.Y., Krapivskaya E.E., Machs E.M., Rodionov A.V.

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