Influence of DNA repair genes polymorphism on karyology of buccal epithelium cells in humans exposed to radon

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Were investigated samples from 318 children and adolescents (174 males, 144 females), who were exposed to radon at home, and 65 people (23 males, 42 females) in the control group. Using micronucleus test on buccal epithelial cells we identified a significant increase in the number of cells with cytogenetic and proliferative abnormalities in the exposed group. Were investigated the association NBS1 (rs1805794), ATM (rs1801516), ADPRT (rs1136410) genes polymorphism with karyological abnormalities in buccal epithelial cells. For the exposed group, an association of NBS1 Glu185Gln polymorphism with increasing frequency of identification of “broken egg”-type protrusions and apoptotic bodies was established. NBS1 185Glu/Gln & ATM1853Asp/Asp genotypes were associated with an elevated levels of cytogenetic damage, while the NBS1 185Glu/Glu & ATM 1853Asp/Asn allelic variant plays a protective role. In the control group, no significant associations were found.

About the authors

Alina Viktorovna Meyer

Kemerovo State University

PhD, assistant. Department of Genetics

Tatyana Andreyevna Tolochko

Kemerovo State University

Teacher. Faculty of Biology, Department of Genetics

Varvara Ivanovna Minina

Institute of Human Ecology SB RAS

Head of the Laboratory. Laboratory of Сytogenetics

Anna Aleksandrovna Timofeyeva

Institute of Human Ecology SB RAS

Engineer. Laboratory of Сytogenetics


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Copyright (c) 2014 Meyer A.V., Tolochko T.A., Minina V.I., Timofeyeva A.A.

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