Association of vitamin D receptor gene with anthropometric measures in komi ethnic group

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The relationship between vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) variants with serum 25-OHD3 concentration, body height (BH), body weight (BW), and body composition were examined in Komi ethnic group. The FF genotype associates with higher BW (p=0.002), and lower bone mass (BM, p=0.06) in comparison with the Ff subjects. The BB carriers are shorter than those with Bb genotype (p=0.037); BM is lower among having bb than Bb variants (p=0.025). There were no differences in 25-OHD3 content revealed. The results are consistent with the data obtained in populations from North-Western Europe, but not in tropical and subtropical Caucasians, or in non-Caucasian groups.

About the authors

Andrey Igorevich Kozlov

Moscow State University

Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Laboratory of Anthropoecology, Institute and Museum of Anthropology

Galina Grigoryevna Vershubskaya

Moscow State University

Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Laboratory of Anthropoecology, Institute and Museum of Anthropology

Yuliya Aleksandrovna Ateyeva

Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University

Ph.D. student; Chair of Anatomy, Physiology, and Medicine

Pamela Orr

University of Manitoba

Dr., Department of Internal Medicine

Linda Larcombe

University of Manitoba

Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine


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Copyright (c) 2013 Kozlov A.I., Vershubskaya G.G., Ateyeva Y.A., Orr P., Larcombe L.

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