Pharmacologic correction of paclitaxel-induced geneand myelotoxicity with exstract of Scutellariae baicalensis hairy roots culture

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Gene protection effects of Scutellariae baicalensis hairy transgenic roots extract on paclitaxel-induced genotoxic model of mice bone marrow and Drosophila melanogaster somatic cells were exposed in once and course administration during the early and late periods of investigation. Granylocyto- and erythrocytopoiesis stimulation effects of Scutellariae baicalensis hairy roots extract on paclitaxel-induced rats myelosuppression were demonstrated. Materials and methods. Experiments were performed on male and female CBA/CaLac mice and outbred female rats. Paclitaxel (Mitotax®, Dr. Reddy's, India) was administered once in the maximum tolerated dose (MTD): to mice - intraperitoneally, 40 mg/kg, to rats - intravenously, 5 mg/kg. To reduce cytostatic toxicity Scutellariae baicalensis hairy transgenic roots extract was injected per os once at a dose of 200 mg/kg or in 5-day course of 40 mg/kg per day. The state of bone marrow chromosome metaphase plates was examined by the Ford modified method. In the somatic mosaicism test system was used male mutant line, genotype wsn3/Y and female mutant line, genotype yellow of Dr. melanogaster. There were examined 1000 females and marked of number females with single (у, sn3) and double (уsn3) spots. The rat bone marrow was investigated using standard hematological methods. Results. It was shown, that single paclitaxel injection in MTD leaded to generation of genomic and structural disorders in mice bone marrow. In Dr. Melanogaster females, which were grown in nutrient medium with 0,005 % of paclitaxel, appearance of single spots fenotype «y» and «sn» were demonstrated. Paclitaxel injection to rats caused bone marrow hypoplasia in the early periods of investigation. Extract of Scutellaria baicalensis hairy transgenic roots considerably decreased the paclitaxel-induced disorders in mice and rats bone marrow and in Drosophila melanogaster somatic cells.

About the authors

Oksana Vladimirovna Neupokoeva

RI of P and RM named after E. D. Goldberg

Junior Research, Drug toxicology department

Elena Pavlovna Fedorova

RI of P and RM named after E. D. Goldberg

Research Scientist, Drug toxicology department

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Ermolaeva

RI of P and RM named after E. D. Goldberg

Research Scientist, Drug toxicology department

Maria Vasilievna Filonova

RI of P and RM named after E. D. Goldberg

raduate, Dep. of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology

Aleksey Aleksandrovich Churin

RI of P and RM named after E. D. Goldberg

DmS, Drug toxicology department

Olga Leonidovna Voronova

RI of P and RM named after E. D. Goldberg

Senior Researcher, Cand. of biological Sciences, Drug toxicology depart

Tatyana Ivanovna Fomina

RI of P and RM named after E. D. Goldberg

Senior Researcher, Cand. of biological Sciences, Drug toxicology depart


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Copyright (c) 2015 Neupokoeva O.V., Fedorova E.P., Ermolaeva L.A., Filonova M.V., Churin A.A., Voronova O.L., Fomina T.I.

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