The History of Manayunkia [Polychaeta: Sedentaria: Sabellidae] propagation in North Eastern Asia

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This study aimes to elucidate the history of propagation of the freshwater Manayunkia polychaetes in North-Eastern Asia and their speciation in Lake Baikal. Nucleotide polymorphism analysis of of the CO1 Folmer fragment allowed to establish the sequence of migration and speciation events. Phylogenetic analysis and bayesian comparison of possible scenarios supports the hypothesis that the origin of the Manayunkia migration was the Kolyma river basin, from where the polychaetes migrated into Baikal and diverged into at least three species, one of which (M. godlewskii) served as the source of migrants into the Lake Baunt system.

About the authors

Tatyana Anatolyevna Pudovkina

Limnological Institute, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences

engineer. Laboratory of Molecular Systematics

Tatyana Yakovlevna Sitnikova

Limnological Institute, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences

dr., senior researcher. Laboratory of Biology of aquatic invertebrates

Arkadiy Nikolayevich Matveyev

Irkutsk State University

dr., professor. Head of Department of Biology and Soil Sciences

Dmitriy Yuryevich Shcherbakov

Limnological Institute, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences

Head of Laboratory of Molecular Systematics


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Copyright (c) 2014 Pudovkina T.A., Sitnikova T.Y., Matveyev A.N., Shcherbakov D.Y.

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