Аnalysis of the genetic variability of populations of land snail Сhondrula tridens Müll. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) RAPD and ISSR markers

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Background. This article is about evolutionary processes in populations of small mobile species in the urbanized landscape. Materials and methods. Based of the polymerase chain reaction, using RAPD and ISSR DNA markers the genetic structure of populations of model species of terrestrial mollusks Сhondrula tridens Müll., living in Mid-Russian Upland, has been analyzed. Results. Interpretation of the obtained DNA-patterns is presented. Polymorphic and monomorphic amplicons are identified. The level of genetic variability of population is defined. The factors influencing formation population of gen pool of the given species in the conditions of the urbanized landscape are revealed. Conclusion. The structure of population’s distribution and the state population gene pools of Ch. tridens in the urbanized landscape were determined.

About the authors

Eduard Anatolyevich Snegin

Belgorod national research university

Email: snegin@bsu.edu.ru
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of Department. Department of biocenology and ecological genetics


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