Micronuclei in blood lumphocytes of existing and former coal miners: evaluation of the effect of anthracosilicosis

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Background. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genotoxic risk in anthracosilicosis patients and in those with occupational exposure to coal dust.

Materials and methods. We studied micronuclei (MN) and other cytogenetic lesions in blood lymphocytes in three groups of men comparable in age: 74 coal miners suffering from anthracosilicosis (AS), 41 healthy miners, and 70 control donors.

Results. A significant increase in the frequency of MN was revealed with a simultaneous decrease in proliferative activity in samples of healthy and sick miners compared with the control. The level of MN in the lymphocytes of patients with AS significantly exceeded the corresponding indicator in the sample of healthy miners (1.22 ± 0.05% versus 1.03 ± 0.07%; p < 0.01). The age of the subjects and the status of smoking did not have a significant effect on the frequency of cytogenetic parameters.

Conclusion. AS in miners makes an additional contribution to the formation of DNA damage in lymphocytes. This contribution is probably due to oxidative stress accompanying inflammatory processes in pulmonary fibrosis. The results of the study also indicate the absence of differences in the frequency of MN when comparing subgroups of current and former miners. This means that the genotoxic effects in the lymphocytes of miners are able to persist for a long time after the termination of exposure by adverse factors in coal mining.

About the authors

Vladimir G. Druzhinin

Kemerovo State University

Email: druzhinin_vladim@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5534-2062
SPIN-code: 6277-4704

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Genetics

Russian Federation, 6, Krasnay street, Kemerovo, 650000

Svetlana V. Apalko

City Hospital No. 40

Email: svetlana.apalko@gmail.com
SPIN-code: 7053-2507

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of Biobanking and Translational Medicine

Russian Federation, 9A, Borisova str., St. Peterburg, Sestroretsk, 197706

Elizaveta D. Baranova

Kemerovo State University

Email: laveivana@mail.ru
SPIN-code: 9000-9016


Russian Federation, 6, Krasnay street, Kemerovo, 650000

Valentin P. Volobaev

Kemerovo State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: volobaev.vp@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7355-9882
SPIN-code: 2805-5700

Junior Researcher

Russian Federation, 6 Krasnaya str., Kemerovo, 650000

Tatiana Yu. Drobchik

Kemerovo State University

Email: belayad@ngs.ru
SPIN-code: 9934-1286

Associate Professor, Department of Genetics

Russian Federation, 6, Krasnay street, Kemerovo, 650000

Aleksey V. Larionov

Kemerovo State University

Email: alekseylarionov09@gmail.com
SPIN-code: 5360-4410

Associate Professor, Department of Genetics

Russian Federation, 6, Krasnay street, Kemerovo, 650000

Elena G. Hill

S.V. Belyaev Clinical Hospital

Email: druzhinin_vladim@mail.ru

Doctor, Department of Occupational Pathology

Russian Federation, 22, Oktyabrsky Ave., Kemerovo region, Kemerovo, 650061

Elena V. Chasovskikh

S.V. Belyaev Clinical Hospital

Email: druzhinin_vladim@mail.ru

Doctor, Department of Occupational Pathology

Russian Federation, 22, Oktyabrsky Ave., Kemerovo region, Kemerovo, 650061


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Correlation of the proportion of lymphocytes with MN with age in the miners with AS

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3. Fig. 2. Correlation of the proportion of lymphocytes with MN with age in the healthy miners

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4. Fig. 3. Correlation of the proportion of lymphocytes with MN with age in the control group

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Copyright (c) 2019 Druzhinin V.G., Apalko S.V., Baranova E.D., Volobaev V.P., Drobchik T.I., Larionov A.V., Hill E.G., Chasovskikh E.V.

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